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General Instructions These questions require you to select and run appropriate statistical tests using SPSS and to write a fully detailed commentary explaining all of your reasoning and rationale. You...

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General Instructions
These questions require you to select and run appropriate statistical tests using SPSS and to write a fully detailed commentary explaining all of your reasoning and rationale. You must include all appropriate information from the SPSS Output file for each question and EMBED the output WITHIN the commentary at the appropriate place. The written commentary must:
· be word-processed
· only cover the points specified in the questions
For each question detail what statistical test(s) were run, showing all relevant output generated and explain why this test(s) is appropriate? Marks will be awarded for (i) selection of co
ect procedures including those needed to verify test assumptions (ii) co
ect data entry and execution of tests (iii) overall presentation of the answer so that it contains only relevant material, in a logical order, neatly set out, without repetition.
For the commentary, marks will be awarded for (i) general presentation and use of English (ii) grasp of statistical theory and concepts (iii) understanding of the SPSS Output.
Mark allocation is as follows: Q1 20%; Q2 25%; Q3 25%; Q4 30%.
It is thought that a new drug A might lead to a reduction in diastolic blood pressure. An experiment was performed using 20 male volunteers, 10 of whom were randomly selected to take a pill containing drug A and 10 who were randomly chosen to take a pill which contained placebo. Diastolic blood pressure was measured for the 2 cohorts following treatment. The values obtained for the diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) is shown below.
90            71
95            79
67            69
120            98
89            91
92            85
100            89
82            75
79            78
85            80
What can be deduced by statistical analysis about the effect of drug A on the diastolic blood pressure observed in this study?
20 marks
A research laboratory is testing the effect of 5 different drug candidates on the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in rat plasma to determine whether there is any difference observed for the different drugs. Dataset Q2_Autumn20.xls contains the concentration of NO, in mmol/L for an equal number of rats, obtained by random sampling, following treatment with the 5 different drugs. Using statistical analysis determine if the treatments result in a significant change to the concentration of NO in rat plasma and if so, where those differences lie. 
25 marks
A retrospective analysis was performed on 933 patients with clinically localised prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy between March 1999 and July 2009. Some characteristics of the patients were recorded, and the patients were split into those with a low socioeconomic status (SES) who were treated in the public health system, and those with a high socioeconomic status who were treated in a private hospital.
    Low SES (n=379)
    High SES (n=554)
    Total (n=933)
    Age (years)
    65 and olde
    Serum PSA (ng/mL)
    Pathological stage
    Tumour Grade / Gleason Score
    7 or more
Using statistical analysis investigate whether there is evidence that the socioeconomic status of the patient, is related to their age, serum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level, Pathological stage or Tumour grade of the patient.
Discuss your results and any significant association found. For any significant association explain the nature of the association.
25 marks
A study was conducted to investigate whether the final exam result gained for a group of 25 Biomedical Science students was in any way dependent upon the results that the students had obtained in previous assessments. These being:
· An in-class Test
· A Coursework assignment
· A Mock Exam
The file Q4_Autumn20.xls details the marks obtained for the students final exam as well as their previous assessments.
Using the data contained within this file, determine by statistical analysis which variables have an impact on the final exam mark, and the extent of the relationship.
30 marks
Answered Same Day Dec 01, 2021


Suraj answered on Dec 06 2021
156 Votes
Biomedical Statistics Assignment
Q1. To test effect of drug A on diastolic blood pressure.
Solution: Let be the mean of placebo and be the mean of drug A.
The hypotheses are,
The output of the SPSS software is given as follows:
Output description: Here, first step is to check the assumption of equal variance. For this Levene’s test is used. From the output, the p-value for this test is 0.552. hence, it is greater than level of significance (assumed). Hence, the null hypothesis for this test is not rejected. Thus, variances are equal.
Now, next step is to apply independent t-test to test our claim. The p-value for this test is 0.130. hence, p-value is greater than the level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Hence, drug A do not have effect on diastolic blood pressure. Both drugs have equal effect.
We plot the box plot for checking any outlier in the data. The plots are given as follow:
Here, the placebo variable has one outlier value in the data. There is no outlier in the variable Drug A.
Q2. To test that is there any difference between the drugs?
Solution: Here, the number of variables are more than 2. So, t-test is not appropriate here. This is the problem of one-way ANOVA. Which is used to compare more than 2 samples.
The hypotheses are,
The output of is given as follows:
Here, the p-value for the between groups is 0.003. Hence, the p-value is less than the level of significance 0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. The conclusion is that there is a significant effect of 5 drugs. All drugs do not have same effect.
To check this the Tukey, post hoc test is ca
ied out. The output is...

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