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Microsoft Word - Assignment-2_ITECH7410_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx CRICOS Provider No: 00103D 1/3 I TECH 7410: Software Engineering Methodologies A ssignment 2 (Semester 2020/07) Due Date: Thu, Jun 4,...

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Microsoft Word - Assignment-2_ITECH7410_ XXXXXXXXXXdocx
CRICOS Provider No: 00103D 1/3
I TECH 7410: Software Engineering Methodologies
A ssignment 2 (Semester 2020/07)
Due Date: Thu, Jun 4, XXXXXXXXXX:59 (Week 11)
Weighting: 20%
Assignment Type: Group (2 Students per group)
Submission: via Moodle
Refer to Course Description, especially in regard to: Extensions, Special Consideration, Late
Submissions, and Plagiarism.
The purposes of the assignment:
1. Understanding a large software system
2. Developing schema for small parts of a software system
3. To familiarize in formal design using Z
Note: This assignment is an extension of your tutorial on Week 6 with a different scenario. Follow the
guidelines of your lecture
tutor that was delivered during the lecture or tutorial time.
UBER, a transport network company, got attention to a large group of people in the past few years. At
the time UBER is getting popularity, they have extended their business to other related domains in recent
years. UBER Eats is one of them which will allow you to grab some foods from a shop
estaurant through
UBER drivers. This is also getting interests among the people who are using smartphones and not that
much interested to go out of home/ office for lunch/dinner. Please refer to the site
https: and https: to know more about Uber and
Uber Eats, respectively. Here go the functionalities of Uber Eats:
1. The company has a website and apps for the mobiles
2. User needs to fill-up a particular form to be the member of UBER Eats
3. A person must register if she is interested in delivery service (driver)
4. Users must use their own credit card/debit card account while ordering the foods
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5. Interested companies must register their business to Uber so that the restaurant
usiness should
appear in the restaurant list in the app.
6. A user will have to use the mobile app to order any food.
7. The restaurant will prepare the food according to the order from users in due time so that the
driver can collect it
8. The driver will turn-on the UBER App in her mobile and will allow her to receive any notification
to hand over a packet of food to its customer.
9. Entire cost calculation will be performed on the UBER side and this will be disbursed in the
following month to the driver and the restaurant.
You have been assigned to a team that is developing software for the UBER Eats. Your job is to develop
a part of the UBER Eats which involves: i) a user to select the food from any of the suggested companies
ii) preparing the foods and make it ready to deliver from company
estaurant side iii) a driver who will
collect that food and handover it to the customer’s location, iv) providing the facility to the users to
update their information. Here goes the item that you need to submit in the assignment:
A. In natural language, write down the state information and the operations that are likely to
e needed for the food order.
B. Develop a mathematical description for the state space of the system and present it in a
schema in the Z specification language.
C. Write three possible schemas for Add User, Add Driver, Add Company, separately
D. Write a schema that describes a function to look up the phone number for a name (this is
equired when the driver will be delivering the food to the customer).
E. Write a robust schema to remove a company and associated information from the UBER
eats database.
F. Produce a Z specification for card information that includes the information about
account numbers, name, expiry date and CVV number.
G. An extensive analysis of various risk and possible way to cater to the risks
H. Conclusion about what you have gained by solving this assignment.
I. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation from your above work in 10-12 slides. Your lecturer
can ask you to present the slides once you submit the assignment
Submission Criteria:
The assignment must be submitted electronically through Moodle in pdf format. The name of the pdf
should be IDofTeamMate1_IDofTeamMate2_ITECH7410.pdf. Draw the diagram using any suitable
graphic software, no handwritten diagrams will be accepted. Write a conclusion of the analysis in your
own words.
Marking Guide:

Items Marks
A-G 10 for each item = 10*7 = 70
H and I 15 for each item = 15*2 = 30
Total Marks 100
Weight in (%) 20%
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Marks will be uploaded in fdlGrades and a completed marking guide provided in Moodle within 2 weeks
of assignment submission.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's
own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work
and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy
and procedure for the university can be found at http:
    Submission Criteria:
    Marking Guide:
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021 ITECH7410


Neha answered on Jun 03 2021
143 Votes
Z- Tutorial
Submitted By:
UberEATS Application
The Uber eats application runs on any mobile or system. It is based on an Android mobile app which provides meal delivery to the users. It is created by the Uber technologies. It is used to connect the customers and drivers using a network so that the driver can deliver the ordered food. The restaurant receives the order for the item from their customers which is placed using any smartphone which supports the Uber application. The Uber eats has established their team in different areas which offer a distance limit as per the requirement of the customer.
The customer can select any item or multiple items from the menu using this app. The Uber eats provides options for lunch,
unch and for dinner. The customer has the option to pay using any type of card. The distance of the customer and restaurant decides the mode of delivering the food item.
UberEATS Application
The distance of the customer and restaurant decides the mode of delivering the food item. The users of this application are Uber eats, customers, restaurant, and the Uber drivers. The customer can open this app and enter their state.
The app asks for some personal information about the customer like their name common number, address, and the credit card detail. After the registration, the customer can login into the application using their unique username and password. The customers can also place their order to the drivers directly without placing it for the restaurant.
Develop a mathematical description for the state space of the system and present it in a schema in the Z specification language.
U € Set of users
u users
s is single user
the mathematical description is as follows:
s €{ m : U1………u……..} ? s € U ? (…..s…..)
d € {s: Checked/Order(s) = Item? / Driver = New Location?}
? d € Checked? Order (s) = Item? ? Driver = New Location?
Three possible schemas for Add User, Add Driver, Add Company, separately
A schema that describes a function to look up the phone number for a name
A robust schema to remove a company and associated information from the UBER eats database.
Z specification for card information that includes the information about account numbers, name, expiry date and CVV number.
Extensive analysis of various risk and possible way to cater to the risks
Not possible to find out the location of customer.
The location of restaurant is far away from the customer.
The driver is busy with other delivery at that time.
Known Location of Company, User and drive
UnKnown Location of Company, User and drive
I learnt about the Z schemer and its benefits will stop I implemented the design for creating new user, company and driver in the system. Z design helps to represent the predicates and...

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