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INSTRUCTION: In the 21st century, many chefs and restaurateurs proclaim their culinary philosophy and espouse rhetoric to persuade customers of their authenticity . In your essay consider 'how...

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In the 21st century, many chefs and restaurateurs proclaim their culinary philosophy and espouse rhetoric to persuade customers of their authenticity . In your essay consider 'how culinary and gastronomic philosophy impacts modern restaurants in a global context'.
It is expected that your essay will include a discussion on defining culinary and gastronomic philosophy (gastrosophy) and will focus on a number of different philosophies made public by well known chefs.
Culinary and gastronomic philosophy examples could include: epicureanism, aestheticism, hedonism, freeganism, vegetarianism and locavorism. You could also include philosophical areas that underpin gastrososphy such as; sustainability, ethical eating, cultural authenticity, health and well-being, food safety, slow food, free trade and modernist cuisine.
Minimum References of 6 – at least 2 from famous Chefs about their philosophy
It is undeniable that culinary and gastronomy philosophy has significant impacts on restaurants as well as people’s life in global context. The possibility of people having different backgrounds and cultures leads to the difference in their perception of food philosophies. It is essential that people think of food with the awareness of its impacts on society, agriculture, environment and ethic. Gastronomy and culinary from different cultures embody different traditional values in terms of new-trend in human and restaurant concepts including lifestyles, sustainability and the development of organic agriculture. Philosophies of epicureanism, aestheticism, vegetarianism, locavorism have influenced the way people consume food as well as the concepts of restaurants and their responsibility on the society and environment. Therefore, the vegetarian philosophy will be discussed to show its influences on today’s restaurants in the context of globalization. Furthermore, areas that underpin gastrososphy such as; sustainability, ethical eating, cultural authenticity, health and well-being, food safety will also be analyze.
· The essay structure is: Introduction, Body paragraphs and then Conclusion.
Important note:
· please use Chef philosophy from famous Chefs in the world especially Australia, UK and America.
· Please follow my friend’s essay structure and concepts to paraphrase.

Sih-Ling, Huang
Stage 5
Food and Wine Philosophy
Essay 1
Name: Sih-Ling, Huang (Christine)
Student Number: 707929
Culinary and gastronomic philosophy plays an important role in global modern restaurants as well as our lives. Due to different cultures, ideas and lifestyles, people have different perceptions of culinary and gastronomy and this also reflects in our various philosophies and concepts. It is crucial to think of food differently as the act of eating is not only a nutritional act but also a social, agricultural, cultural authenticity and environmental and ethical act (Sage, XXXXXXXXXXFischler, XXXXXXXXXXFurthermore, gastronomy embodies all the traditional values associated with new trends in human and restaurants’ concepts and inspirations and this includes healthy lifestyles, sustainability, organic agriculture and experience (Sims, XXXXXXXXXXIn addition, different philosophies such as, epicureanism, aestheticism, vegetarianism and locavorism have impacted the role of today’s society and the environment. The vegetarian philosophy will be explained and analyzed as to how it affects the trend of globalization and modern restaurants. Related issues such as environmental sustainability, health and well being, ethical eating and social justice that are embedded in new food movements will also be discussed.
Gastronomy has become an indispensable element in our lives and it also embodies an understanding of various social, philosophical, cultural, arts, religions and lifestyles of a country (Zahari et al, XXXXXXXXXXThe diversity of gastronomy and its development in today’s society has a significant impact on restaurants. It leads to different food trends and generates various culinary and gastronomic philosophies in a global context. Many chefs proclaim their own culinary philosophy to persuade customers of their authenticity. For instance, Jamie Oliver, a British cele
ity chef, uses a simple philosophy, which involves unprocessed and organic ingredients to
ing fresh and traditional Italian dishes into the mainstream (Food Philosophy | Jamie Oliver, XXXXXXXXXXHe launched several restaurants worldwide and also devises and presents his own television programs to promote his health philosophy and this allows people worldwide to learn about it. In recent years, consumers have been advocating for new food products that can provide health benefits thus vegetarianism has become increasingly popular over the years. According to the National Restaurant Association, it shows that customers are ordering fewer meat dishes but more salad, fruits and juices (Trending Health, XXXXXXXXXXAs a result, the number of vegetarian restaurants has increased worldwide recently. In turn, chefs and restaurateurs have started to incorporate vegetarian philosophy and sustainability concepts into their restaurants in order to attract customers and this has emerged as a new food trend in today’s hospitality industry. There are many reasons that people may choose to become vegetarians. Common reasons include ethical, animal welfare concerns, religious beliefs, environmental and health. Health vegetarians may be motivated by the threat of disease such as cancer and heart disease and also the potential health benefits that relate to vegetarian diets (Jabs, Devine & Sobal, XXXXXXXXXXAs the health advantages of vegetarianism become more widely known all over the world, numerous restaurants have increased their options of vegetarian meals offering on the menu. Menu items such as those labeled as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, low fat and low-calorie have grown the most rapidly in recent years. Furthermore, ethical vegetarians may be motivated by moral considerations in relation to animal welfare (Jabs, Devine & Sobal, XXXXXXXXXXControversy and debate have arisen over the ethics of the use of animals to create human food in many countries (Kaplan, XXXXXXXXXXMost ethical vegetarians believe that killing animals to consume is not unlike killing humans to eat. According to the philosopher Porphyry, animals have rational souls and deserve moral considerations because they have the capacity ‘to feel distress, to be afraid, to be injured and to be hurt’. (Newmyer, 2013) In addition, animal agriculture is a large source of greenhouse gases and this increases global warming. The livestock sector contributes to global warming through deforestation by expanding pasture land and arable land to grow feed corps (McMichael et al, XXXXXXXXXXAccording to the Food and Agriculture Organization, cattle
eeding is a major factor in greenhouse gas emissions. Ruminant animals such as cows release an average of between 70 to 120 kg of methane gas per year (Moss, Jouany & Newbold, XXXXXXXXXXMethane is a type of greenhouse gas and is about 20 times more damaging than the effect of ca
on dioxide. More recently, global warming and sustainability have become significant issues that people worldwide are concerned about. The global average consumption of animal products and the intensity of emissions from livestock production must be reduced in order to prevent the increase of greenhouse gas emissions. Many people also believe that practicing a vegetarian diet can help to conserve the environment. Vegetarian diets contribute to the reduction in the amount of water, energy, fertilizer and pesticide, which can damage our environment. As a result, sustainable practices benefit the environment and are growing trends in foodservice. Many restaurants are committed to green and sustainable efforts, which in turn is influencing menu trends. Operating a more sustainable restaurant not only creates benefits to our environment but is also more cost effective. It is crucial for restaurants to have a strategic plan for reducing energy consumption, water, waste and materials. Environmentally sustainable practices can contribute to the reduction of operating and food costs through the implementation of green initiatives. For instance, save money on raw materials, supply costs and disposal cost may even provide another source of revenue. This practice can be implemented by utilizing leftover ingredients to create new dishes and using seasonal ingredients is also an effective way of minimizing food costs. These measures help to create a cleaner environment and a more sustainable economy for future generations. These achievements can save thousands of dollars per year and hundreds of tonnes of greenhouse gases for each business.
In today’s society, gastronomy evolves and develops precisely because the living culture, habits and trends demand it. It is important for restaurants to adopt changes due to consumer’s preferences and requirements. Em
acing vegetarianism could help to save countless animals from unnecessary suffering, preserve numerous natural resources and increase environmental and health benefits. It is therefore important for restaurants to provide a wide selection of vegetarian menu items for customers in order to attract customers to increase revenue and implement sustainable practices to protect our environment.
Anon 2016, Food Philosophy | Jamie Oliver. [online] Available at: < http:
[Accessed 13 Mar. 2017].
Anon 2017, Trending Healthy, [online] National Restaurant Association. Available at:> [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017].
Fischler, C 1988, ‘Food, self and identity’, Social Science Information, vol. 27, no. 2, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Hjalager, A & Richards, G 1120, Tourism and gastronomy, 1st ed, London 238 p1 v.
Jabs, J, Devine, C & Sobal, J 1998, ‘Model of the Process of Adopting Vegetarian Diets: Health Vegetarians and Ethical Vegetarians’, Journal of Nutrition Education, vol. 30, no. 4, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Kaplan, D 2012, The philosophy of food, 1st ed, Berkeley: University of California press.
Moss, A, Jouany, J & Newbold, J 2000, ‘Methane production by ruminants: its contribution to global warming’, Annales de Zootechnie, vol. 49, no. 3, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
McMichael, A, Powles, J, Butler, C & Uauy, R 2007, ‘Food, livestock production, energy, climate change, and health’, The Lancet, vol. 370, no. 9594, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Newmyer, S 2013, Animals Rights and Reason in Plutarch and Modern Ethics, 1st ed, Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
Sage, C 2003, ‘Social embeddedness and relations of regard’, Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 47-60.
Sims, R 2009, ‘Food, place and authenticity: local food and the sustainable tourism experience’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 17, no. 3, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Zahari, M, Jalis, M, Zulfifly, M, Radzi, S & Othman, Z 2009, ‘Gastronomy: An Opportunity for Malaysian Culinary Educators’, International Education Studies, vol. 2, no. 2.
Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020


Akansha answered on Aug 23 2020
148 Votes
Topic- Gastronomic and Culinary Philosophy
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Word Count- 1000
Referencing Style- APA
Gastronomic and Culinary Philosophy    
Table of Contents
It is undeniable that culinary and gastronomy philosophy has significant impacts on restaurants as well as people’s life in global context. The possibility of people having different backgrounds and cultures leads to the difference in their perception of food philosophies. It is essential that people think of food with the awareness of its impacts on society, agriculture, environment and ethic. Gastronomy and culinary from different cultures embody different traditional values in terms of new-trend in human and restaurant concepts including lifestyles, sustainability and the development of organic agriculture. Philosophies of epicureanism, aestheticism, vegetarianism, locavorism have influenced the way people consume food as well as the concepts of restaurants and their responsibility on the society and environment. Therefore, the vegetarian philosophy will be discussed to show its influences on today’s restaurants in the context of globalization. Furthermore, areas that underpin gastrososphy such as; sustainability, ethical eating, cultural authenticity, health and well-being, food safety will also be analyzed (Lane, C. 2013).
Gastronomy is the investigation of food and culture, with a specific spotlight on food cuisine, that further includes cooking methods, nourishing realities, food science, and tastefulness in addition to utilizations of taste and smell as human ingestion of foodstuffs goes.  Gastronomy includes finding, tasting, encountering, exploring, comprehension and expounding on nourishment a
angement and the tangible characteristics of human sustenance in general. It likewise examines how nourishment interfaces with the more extensive culture.
The concept of gastronomic and culinary philosophy is concerned with our lifestyles too. Some people turn to be vegetarian due to certain aspects of lives including the social, cultural, health, nutrition, physiological, psychological aspects. The several restaurants serving vegetarian food tends to learn the needs and scope of their food reaching out to the maximum people. For this, they need to understand the psychology of their customers. They can get to know about their customers’ needs through the reviews they got from them. Also the culinary philosophy shared by the famous chefs tends to impact the minds of people globally. The...

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