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1. What does OSI stand for? 2. How does the OSI model work and include an example: 3. Explain the purpose of each of the seven layers of the OSI model: Application: Presentation: Session: Transport:...

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1. What does OSI stand for?
2. How does the OSI model work and include an example:
3. Explain the purpose of each of the seven layers of the OSI model:
Data Link:
How does TCP/IP differ from the OSi Model?
Explain application protocols:
Explain transport protocols:
Explain network protocols:
1. This layer is responsible for providing reliable and unreliable data connections.
2. This layer specifies how addresses are assigned and how packets of data are forwarded from one network to another toward the destination.
3. This layer co
esponds to the network hardware (cabling, media). This layer determines how binary data is translated into electrical, optical, or other types of physical signals transmitted between systems.
4. This layer provides the connection point for applications. It specifies the details of how an application makes requests and how the application on another machine responds.
5. This layer establishes the rules of the conversation between two applications. For example, will they take turns speaking, or can they send and receive at the same time.
6. This layer specifies how packets of data are organized into frames on a particular type of network and the rules for inserting frames on to the network media
7. This layer specifies the a
angement, or syntax, of the data that the application expects. For example, .gif, .jpeg, .mpeg, .avi file extensions.
8. List the steps of encapsulation as if a user was creating the data to be sent out over the network to another user and explain what the co
esponding OSI layer does to prepare the data to be sent over the network.
9. What layer of the OSI model does a router operate?
10. What layer of the OSI model does a switch operate?
Answered Same Day Nov 20, 2021


Shubhashree answered on Nov 21 2021
159 Votes
1. What does OSI stand for?
Answer:    Open Systems Interconnection Model
OSI model is designed to allow communication across all types of systems i.e. it’s a open communication system where systems having different architecture can establish a communication. This model is used to design a network which will be robust and flexible.OSI model is based on layered architecture which consists of seven layers: 1.Physical, 2. Data Link, 3.Network, 4.Transport, 5. Session, 6. Presentation, 7. Application. For Example, when device A sends message to device B, it passes through intermediate nodes and these nodes are the layers in OSI model.
3. OSI Model Layers:
Application: This layer allows user to access the network. Services offered from this layer are mail services, directory services. It provides services to access the files on remotes device. It offers file transfer, access and management.
Presentation: Presentation Layer manages the syntax and semantics of the data transfe
ed within two devices. Responsibilities of this layer are conversion, encryption and compression. This layer changes the common data format into receiver dependant format as different system uses different encoding systems. It also performs data compression which reduces the count of bits specifically in case of multimedia content.
Session: The session layer acts as a dialog controller. This layer permits two devices to start communication i.e. to enter in dialog either in half duplex or full duplex way. This layer also allows to add checkpoints into data stream to ensure full data until checkpoint is transmitted or not. In case of any crash retransmission begins from checkpoint.
Transport: Transport Layer ensures source to destination delivery of whole message. Transport layer performs service point addressing, segmentation and reassembly. It also looks for flow control and e
or control.
Network: Network layer ensures source to destination delivery of packet across multiple networks. Network layer performs routing when network is made up of independent networks or links...

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