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After you have done all assignments, please write a one page document describing your working process. How did you find the assignments 1, 2 , 3 and 4? How did you find the work load for 5 credits...

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After you have done all assignments, please write a one page document describing your working process. How did you find the assignments 1, 2 , 3 and 4? How did you find the work load for 5 credits (=130 hours of student work)? What did you like and dislike? Some ideas regarding the assignments, material or contents for future courses? In your opinion, how did you succeed in each of the exercises? Make a suggestion with arguments for a total grade to yourself, 0-5.
Answered Same Day Jul 27, 2020


Parul answered on Jul 29 2020
146 Votes
To be honest, it was extremely taxing and strenuous to work on these assignments but like they say pressure creates diamonds similarly I feel that series of these assignments provided me great learning opportunity to not just understand the concepts better but also fathom how marketing takes place in this digital world. Passionate about marketing this course especially curation of these assignment acted as building blocks for me to improve on my influential skills and how to tap the market in future
I would grade myself as 4 since working on these assignments used to take most of my...

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