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Instructions for Assessment 2 Case Study Report This assessment is an individual assessment and requires you to write a case study report of 1,800 words (+/- 10%). Read the Case Study. In this report...

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Instructions for Assessment 2
Case Study Report
This assessment is an individual assessment and requires you to write a case study report of 1,800 words (+/- 10%). Read the Case Study. In this report you are acting as a HR Consultant to the Case Study organisation. The report is to be written in report format with a table of contents and headings, sub-headings and numbering for each section and sub-section. The report must provide a clear purpose, scope and limitations of the case study. The report will include a diagnosis of the cu
ent performance management system in the Case Study. It will identify the performance management issues in the case study and provide an understanding of such issues related to the staff and the organisation. The report will also compare at least two performance management systems and relative elements/practices/processes. You will need to argue which performance management system or hy
id of two or more performance systems should be implemented at the Case Study organisation. Remember you have to come to conclusions before you can develop any performance management system and practices. As the HR consultant you must write the report as you would present to the Case Study organisation. You must use at least fifteen (15) contemporary (beyond 2007) academic journal articles (Do not cite the internet). Ensure you follow the criteria ru
ic in terms of the structure of the essay and the content. Read every section of the criteria ru
ic and respond accordingly.
The guiding task is as follows:
· As the Consultant to the Case Study organisation you have to prepare a report that analyses the cu
ent performance management system and practices/processes, analyses at least two alternate performance management systems and make a recommendation for the most appropriate performance management system or hy
id of systems.
Note: Whilst you are writing the report make a list of what you will include in Assessment 3 – your Portfolio.
Instructions & Format
Carefully read the Case Study.
Using the information provided in the case study your task, as the Consultant to the Case Study organisation or organisation of your choice (approved by the Facilitator), is to critically the cu
ent performance management system, make an assessment of which system or hy
id of systems is most appropriate (come to a conclusion) and put forward a recommendation to the Case Study organisation. 
Set out your essay using the following structure (see criteria ru
ic), using headings as required:
1. Introduction
2. Diagnosis of Case Study Performance Management System
3. Comparison of two Performance Management Systems 
Note: here you need to highlight the practices and processes of the most effective system/s. This section must present the arguments of authors. 
4. Conclusion 
Note: as the Consultant you have to come to a conclusion before you can make any recommendations
5. Recommendation for the Case Study organisation 
Note: your recommendation is to be a strong statement of which performance management system is most appropriate for the organisation, why, when and how it should be developed and implemented. This is your argument as the Consultant.
6. Research and Referencing
Make sure you write your report using third-person language, and support the report with a minimum of 15 contemporary (i.e. beyond 2007) refereed journal articles – do not cite the internet/web pages. Whilst you are the Consultant do not refer to yourself in first person.
In writing this essay use headings to highlight the different sections according to the criteria ru
Read through the marking criteria (assessment ru
ic) carefully before starting your essay.
All sections will be included in calculating the final mark.

Case Study - The O'Meara Electronics Company
O’Meara Electronics has been operating for 20 years and has had a reasonably high market share in the general electronics sector in Australia and a small market internationally. About 10 years ago the company set up subsidiaries in four countries within South East Asia and one in Germany. The company has mostly semi-automated factories and employs electronics engineers and electronics technicians who design audio equipment, televisions, telephones, digital cameras and other accessories. Other staff are employed in research and development, production, storage and dispatch departments, marketing department, accounting department, general administration and a Human Resource (HR) department. The company employs over 1,000 staff and in Melbourne there are 250 staff. In the production department there are ten teams comprising twelve staff each. Most other departments have between five and fifteen employees. The Company has aspirations of expanding into other European countries.
The Meeting
In mid-August 2016, David O’Meara, the President, began the monthly company meeting with ‘Our profitability is down and our market position is declining. We need to rationalise a number of areas but this meeting is about our performance management and our remuneration management strategies’. O’Meara explained to key executive staff that he had reservations about developing an international strategy and wanted to start with Melbourne. He advised the meeting that his plan was to implement new systems in Melbourne and then replicate in other subsidiaries, and in accordance with their country practices and legislative requirements.
Sarah Jones, Director of HR Management, addressed the meeting – ‘It’s time for change and whilst we have worked to a position-based remuneration system in the past, we now need to consult with staff and change our strategy. We need to work towards a person-based system. We have to evaluate our remuneration and performance management policies and procedures and basically develop new systems’. To commence an evaluation of the remuneration and performance systems Sarah Jones recommended a HR consultant be appointed on a six-month contract, commencing within one month. O’Meara and the Executive team supported the recommendation and the meeting decided to immediately look for and appoint the right HR Consultant.
Note: Students enrolled in this course become the appointed Consultant
Sarah Jones, Director of HR, planned and announced, to Melbourne staff, that there would be an Executive Staff Forum about a new Remuneration System. Following the Executive Staff Forum Sarah planned to appoint a Consultant to organise an all Staff Forum to discuss Remuneration Systems and a separate forum on Performance Management. Sarah was somewhat frustrated because the President was mostly interested in the Remuneration 2 Management System. In the monthly meeting O’Meara had espoused to be concerned about performance but somehow he changed his mind. Sarah realised he was happy for her to organise the Consultant for the Performance Management Forum and the all staff Reumuneration System Forum. When Sarah left the meeting her first job was to find a Consultant. It was not difficult because the Recruitment Agency was able to recommend a number of excellent Consultants. Sarah made the appointment and Kurt Turner, HR Consultant, was to commence within days.
Executive Staff Forum - The Remuneration System
The first Executive Staff Forum was set up on a Friday and held on site. Key executive staff attended. Sarah announced that the HR Consultant would be starting work next week. Discussion commenced around the cu
ent position-based remuneration system that had been in place since the first days of O’Meara Electronics. Sarah opened discussion by asking delegates if they wanted to offer up comments that could build discussion.
y, Manager Production called out - ‘Joe’s paid according to the award and working like a slave, yet Ian who’s meant to be his supervisor does nothing. It’s never sat well with me that there are these kind of discrepancies’. Karen, Head of Research and Development, commented ‘We need to consider what we have now and what we want to achieve. Let’s take a systematic approach and get everything up on a whiteboard. The new system has to be beneficial to the organisation and employees’. Everyone nodded in agreement and there was no argument to this statement.
Jenny, Manager Marketing added ‘Sam has some great ideas about how he used to work for his previous employer. He says we need to use a participative approach with all staff.’
Sarah Jones contributed ‘A participative approach to a new remuneration management system will mean that everyone is involved. We will get all the staff together in the factory and have an open discussion. Let’s get it organised for next week.’ Sarah left the Executive Staff Forum to speak with the Consultant, Kurt Turner, to set up the all staff forum to be held in the factory some time within the next month. The Consultant will be in charge of the all staff forum on Remuneration and it is yet to be organised.
The Performance Management System - All Staff/All Day Forum
The Performance Management all day forum was organized during the middle of the week on a Wednesday at a resort in the Ya
a Valley. Staff a
ived the evening before and over dinner discussion started.
Jenny, from Marketing, expressed her concern about ways in which performance is cu
ently managed at the organizational and individual levels – ‘We have a lot of work to do….our organisational performance management is basically all about customer contracts and numbers, and our individual staff performance is so ad hoc and we don’t really measure it – 3 it’s in a mess and it will take a long time to change. There’ll be a lot of resistance from the staff, particularly those who have worked here since the doors opened’. Roberto, an engineer with 15 years experience, commented ‘Our work teams are not self-managed. We have permanent work teams and temporary work teams when the demand for certain electronics is high but basically there’s little direction’. Maria from Research and Development added ‘The teams are made up of different people from across the company, from engineers to production and marketing experts so we all come from different perspectives’. Discussion developed around the need for self managed work teams.
The following morning the all Staff Forum began. The Consultant, Kurt, opened the forum - ‘Remember everyone, during the course of today, when we discuss performance management, it’s important in our discussions that we consider that individual performance must be linked to organisational performance’. The consultant, Kurt, then opened up discussion and called for comments on performance goals. It was difficult for Kurt because there was a lot of negativity which was encapsultated in a comment
from Nick, an engineering technician, who said ‘We don’t know what a performance goal is….why don’t you tell us’.
Performance Goals – Kurt was not concerned about the negative comment from Nick and he was silently happy that he had some difficult staff members to win over. He steered discussion towards how the organisation’s goals should influence individual goals and ultimately performance. Kurt worked on a whiteboard with a system called management by objectives (MBO). The Consultant explained the process requires participation and helped managers to monitor and control performance. ‘As I have already mentioned, it’s important in this process that organisational performance is linked to individual performance’. In the first stage the workers at the lower levels in production set achievable goals with specific measures. At the second stage workers set goals with their supervisors and managers. At this point the worker is responsible for putting forward their individual career goals and performance goals. The individual workers then specify a period where they demonstrate how they work to achieve their goals. The supervisor and/or manager then provides feedback to the worker and at this point there is a performance appraisal. The results of the performance review become the foundation for changing goals and/or setting new goals.
Performance Management Systems
The Consultant guided discussion to what the organisation was doing well. ‘Fundamentally, our Performance Management System is based on our customer
Answered Same Day May 08, 2020 MGT5ARP La Trobe University


Akansha answered on May 16 2020
152 Votes
Performance management
Performance management System
Student Name
University Name
Introduction    2
Diagnosis of Case Study Performance Management System    2
Comparison of two Performance Management Systems    3
Conclusion    6
Recommendation    7
References    8
Performance Management or performance management system is a unique process with which organizations managers as well as employees work altogether to plan, inspect and review the objectives of an worker's work and offer full support to the organization. In addition to reviewing only the annual performance, management aims at determining these objectives, evaluating progress and completing their objectives and career objectives to ensure that ongoing training and feedback is a continuous process. Through the management system used in the organization, organizations and managers are able to track and monitor the organizational performance of different departments, employees and organizations. Performance management is large and complex task for HR team, because it includes some activities like joint goal setting, feedback forms, continuous progress evaluation, frequent communication, and training for improved performance, employee development programs implementation, and reward achievements. The performance management process starts by joining a new officer's system and ends when a commission leaves the organization. The Performance Management can be considered as a methodical process, which can alter the overall functionality of a team that improves the performance of the individuals in the framework of the team. This is a tool to interact with the desired interaction, define the role of the required skills in the design plan and to promote the best performance by establishing a benched benchmark.
Diagnosis of Case Study Performance Management System
Kurt did not have any concern about Nick's negative reactions and he was quietly happy that he had some tough employees to win the class. He has appointed a discussion on organizational goals and how to do the individual goals and ultimately performance. Curtney worked on a whiteboard, which is called Management (MBO) by the targeted system (Aguinis, 2014). The advisor said that this process requires participation and helps the manager to monitor and monitor performance. As I mentioned earlier, it is important in this process that organizational performance is linked to individual performance. In the first stage, the targets meet targets with labor-specific measures at lower levels. At the second stage the workers are targeted with their supervisor and manager. At this point the workers are responsible for ca
ying out their personal career goals and performance goals. Individual workers then demonstrate how they work to achieve their specific goals (Bhattacharyya, 2011). Supervisors and / or managers then give feedback to the worker and at the moment the performance is assessed. The results of a survey of performance are to change targets and set new targets.
The O’Mera Electronics Survey Forum's Performance Management was organized. Expressing concern over Jennanne's marketing, she has been working on the basis of management and personal performance at present - 'Too many jobs to manage our organizational performance are essentially about customer engagement and the number and performance of our individual employees. It's instantaneous and we cannot count it in confusion and it will take a lot of time to change. There the workers will have a lot of resistance, especially those who have opened the doors. ‘Roberto, an engineer with 15 years of experience, commented that the O’Mera Electronics Work Team itself is not managed (Cao and Hoffman, 2011). When our demand for electronics is high, we have a permanent workforce and temporary work teams, but there are basically no direction, "said Maria in Research and Development." The company has become a different person; we have come from different perspectives because we are engineers from manufacturing and marketing. Are ' The advisor discussed the organization's good work. 'The basic company's performance management system is based on our customer relationships. Omera Electronics has always developed innovative products to meet the needs of our customers - Nigel, Research and Development Engineer It was revealed that most...

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