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1.1P Basic Linux Security SIT719 Security and Privacy Issues in Analytics Pass Task 10.1: ACS Report on Privacy Preserving Data Sharing Frameworks Overview One of the biggest challenges of our times...

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1.1P Basic Linux Security

SIT719 Security and Privacy Issues in Analytics

Pass Task 10.1: ACS Report on Privacy Preserving Data
Sharing Frameworks


One of the biggest challenges of our times for data scientists, government policy makers and
usinesses that collect and use data is striking the right balance between the benefits of data
sharing without compromising on the right to privacy of citizens. The framework developed in
this report will allow stakeholders to effectively access and offer shared datasets without the
fear of tripping over privacy laws. You can access the report from the following link:

Link: https:

You can also download the report.

Please see details of the task in the Task Description section.

This is a Pass task, so you MUST complete the task and submit the evidence of your work to

Task Description

1. What is ‘Five Safes’ data analytics framework.

2. Briefly examines the implications of such frameworks when artificially intelligent algorithms
are used to analyse data.

Write a 500 word summary document addressing the above queries. Submit the PDF
document to the onTrack System.

    Task Description
Answered Same Day May 27, 2021 SIT719


Prasanta answered on Jun 01 2021
151 Votes
1.1P Basic Linux Security
SIT719 Security and Privacy Issues in Analytics Pass Task 10.1: ACS Report on Privacy Preserving Data Sharing Frameworks
Task Description
1. What is ‘Five Safes’ data analytics framework.
‘Five Safes’ data analytics framework are as follows
· Safe People- Basically it says that it is frequently required to know how the training or restrictions and ignore unintended to
eak the confidential
each, for analysing the
data which impact the frustration level and as a effect get the access to the unauthorised
· Safe Projects- Data which are being used should be appropriate, ethical ,...

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