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Accounting Ethics Writing Exercise One of the learning goals of this course is to “Analyze and Evaluate Ethical Issues within the field of Accounting and the Wider Business World.” In other writings...

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Accounting Ethics Writing Exercise
One of the learning goals of this course is to “Analyze and Evaluate Ethical Issues within the field of Accounting and the Wider Business World.”
In other writings you have considered corporate social responsibility issues and the Enron case. For this writing, you will engage in a similar type of ethical analysis. You may want to review the ethics analysis method discussed in Chapter 4 in the first Module. This is similar to the type of analysis you will be doing in this writing assignment. You probably should pick a topic that interests you.
Your writing assignment is to:
· Identify a real-life ethics issue or failing in the field of accounting. Your example may be a real-world example or a personal experience. You may not use the Enron case (we already discussed it) or a hypothetical case study. This must be a real issue, scandal, dilemma, or topic. Be cautious of very general topics (such as, “businesses in general shouldn’t lie on their financials”). Very general topics usually be harder to write and will typically make poor papers. A specific example or case will make for the best paper.
You will then write a response based on the topic you have selected that answers the following prompts:
1- Describe the Issue- 15 points
This part of your paper should concisely describe the topic you have selected and why. Rather than engage in a lengthy factual recitation, try to succinctly describe the problem. However, if you write on a personal experience (that didn’t make the news), you will need to write more describing the facts so the rest of the paper makes sense. A good format would read like this:
ISSUE:    A sentence succinctly stating the topic.
PROBLEM: A paragraph outlining the interests being balanced or the problems the issue creates.
LINK: Please provide a web link to a newspaper, journal or web article outlining the facts of your topic. If you are writing about a personal experience and no article exists, just describe the facts sufficiently.
WHY?:    You should give a few sentences stating you care about this problem and would want to write on it.
This part of the response will be graded on the following ru
    5 points
    10 points
    15 points
    States a clear understanding of the problems
    Provides limited explanation or insight into the topic be explored
    Provides good explanation of the topic and outlines a roadmap for further consideration of the issue
    Clearly states the ethical dilemma in consideration, states a coherent reason why this topic should be explored
2- Interested Parties- 25 points
450 words minimum. This part of your answer should be a coherent writing that addresses at least the following questions:
· Who cares about the outcome?
· Please identify all interested parties in the choice that was or is being made.
· Why does the issue matter to these individuals or groups you identified?
This part of your paper will be graded according to this ru
    Who are the interested parties?
    Identifies the primary party facing the ethical dilemma.
    Identifies the parties immediately affected by the ethical dilemma.
    Identifies the parties immediately affected by the decision and gives some consideration to wider implications of the resolution of the dilemma.
    Thoughtful consideration of the parties immediately affected by outcome of dilemma and a discussion of the wider implications of the resolution of the dilemma.
3- Cause(s)- 25 points
450 words minimum. This portion of your response should clearly address these question
· Is the issue at its core an ethical problem, a failure to the law and regulations, a problem with the culture and systems of the company or environment, or something else?
· What single factor do you believe caused this?
· Is this a legal or an ethical failure? Or some combination? Explain.
This part of your paper will be graded according to this ru
    What are the causes?
    Identifies or discusses a single cause
    Identifies multiple causative factors or thoroughly explains the primary cause.
    Provides a clear cause or theory on causation with some support and consideration of the wider context.
    Thoughtful consideration of the causes of the problem and all factors that may have led to the issue. Consideration and discussion of the wider context of the problem in society and the accounting field.
4- Solution- 15 points
350 words minimum. This portion of your response should clearly state what you believe would be the best resolution of the cu
ent issue and what change in policy, law, organization, or individual ethics would best prevent this problem in the future and/or resolve it cu
This portion of this paper is graded according to this ru
    What is the best solution.
    Identifies a single solution with little or no support or relationship to identified causes.
    Clearly states a proposed solution that is consistent with the identified causes and is supported by some argument in fact, law, or ethics.
    Clear solution proposed that addresses thoughtfully the identified causal factors and is supported by substantial facts, law or ethical argument.
5- Writing Quality, Style, Clear Format- 20 points.
No citations or research are required but you can cite or properly quote any materials helpful to your response. All citations must be in a consistent format.
Answered 1 days After Jun 26, 2021


Deblina answered on Jun 28 2021
157 Votes
Last Name:
Title: Ethical Issues in Accounting
Introduction    3
Ethical Issue    3
Interested Parties    4
Causes    5
Solution    6
Conclusion    6
    Ethical issues in accounting have been one of the major causes that lead to the disruption of the business performance of the organization. An ethical issue arises due to mismanagement in the organization resulting in the business crisis.
In this assignment we shall address such an unethical accounting issue in the field of accounting. Thereafter we shall discuss the parties affected from such incidents, causes of such malfunctions and solutions to prevent those unethical practices.
Ethical Issue
In this paper we shall discuss about the ethical issues in the accounting field. Pressure on the accountant for manipulating accounting figures and omission of data is a serious ethical issue in this field.
In terms of the difficulty faced by the higher officials of the company often puts on pressure on the accountant for creating and manipulating financial statements and accounting figures to put a veil on the difficulties faced by the organization. This induces the accountant to alter financial documents of the company. These activities might result in the organizational downfall when the public body discovers such scandals in the accounting books. Omission of accounting figures also happens to be a part of this unethical activity which puts a bad light about the business organization to the public and the stakeholders.
In this paper I proceed to describe a personal experience in which I encountered such unethical activity in a business organization. The fact refers to an incident of a leading FMCG company which witnessed similar ethical issues in the accounting department. Greed of the higher management officials resulted in the downfall of the aforementioned company. Distortions and effective scandals in accounting books where recorded which uncovered the malpractices that took place in the business organization. Although initially the accountant it was severely dealt for the miss deeds in the accounting books but further investigation revealed the disgraceful pressure of the co
upted management officials which forced the accountant to engage in the malpractices.
This is certainly a serious issue that it serves to be unethical in the field of accounting. Accounting is an important part of the business...

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