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A short critical and reflexive essay – 1500 words – with a full bibliography. make sure the sources are peer-reviewed, most of them should be from accredited migration journals and academic publisher....

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A short critical and reflexive essay – 1500 words – with a full bibliography. make sure the sources are peer-reviewed, most of them should be from accredited migration journals and academic publisher. The topic is How has impacted wages and employment levels in France. The topic must be connected to migration and identities (with a focus on a specific group of migrant, or a typology of migration, or a theoretical debate or a comparison of similar experiences etc.

At least 6 academic references are needed

Answered 2 days After Mar 23, 2024


Dipali answered on Mar 26 2024
18 Votes
Last Name     2
Introduction    3
Migration Patterns and Labor Market Dynamics in France    3
Impact on Wages    5
Employment Levels and Labor Market Participation    6
Case Study: Impact of Migration on Wages and Employment in the French Agricultural Sector    7
Conclusion    8
Work Cited    10
One of the key characteristics of modern global dynamics is migration, which has an impact on labour markets, social structures, and economies all over the world. Migration, income, and employment levels display a complicated interplay in France, a historically key destination for migrants. This paper critically analyses the effects of migration on employment and income in France, focusing on theorised issues related to migration and particular immigrant groups. The cultural and economic environment of France is influenced by the country's many migration patterns, which include family reunion, refugees, and economic migrants. The discussion of how migration affects native wages and labour market dynamics is central to this approach. Some claim that immigrants increase economic productivity and address labour shortages, while others wo
y that they might drive down wages, especially for low-skilled native workers. This article seeks to clarify the complex link between migration, salaries, and employment levels in France by examining empirical data and theoretical frameworks. It does so by providing insights for both scholars and policymakers.
Migration Patterns and Labor Market Dynamics in France
There are many different reasons why people migrate to France, such as inside the EU, from North Africa, and as refugees from crisis zones. The dynamics of the labour market in France have been profoundly influenced by this diverse migration. France has historically drawn labour migrants from its former colonies, which helped fuel the country's economic growth after World War II. Modern migratory trends, however, are a reflection of a more diverse and complicated global environment. France's labour market continues to be significantly impacted by EU migration, which is made possible by the EU's free movement regulations. Workers from Eastern Europe, especially from Poland and Romania, look for jobs in industries including services, construction, and agriculture. While immigrants from the EU frequently work in low-skilled jobs, they also hold positions in specialised occupations, demonstrating a variety of skill sets and educational backgrounds (Elshahat, Sarah, Tina Moffat & K. Bruce Newbold).
Furthermore, a sizable immigrant community from North Africa, mostly from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, resides in France. The surge of migration that resulted from labour recruiting agreements and colonial links has strengthened France's socioeconomic structure. Immigrants from North Africa work in a variety of fields, such as manufacturing, hospitality, and healthcare, and they frequently encounter socioeconomic difficulties including prejudice and constrained socioeconomic mobility. Moreover, France is a destination for refugees and asylum seekers, especially from areas of Africa and the Middle East afflicted by violence. There are particular difficulties in integrating refugees into the workforce, such as cultural adaptability, language obstacles, and credential recognition. Despite the fact that France has put in place job and integration programs for refugees, socioeconomic gaps still exist, making it difficult for them to fully integrate into the workforce.
France's labour market dynamically changes because of these migratory patterns, reflecting the changing demands and requirements of the economy. Migrants support economic growth by supplying labour shortages and adding value to a variety of sectors. Nonetheless, issues like social exclusion, pay disparities, and labour market segmentation continue to exist and call for extensive policy solutions (Drydakis...

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