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A certain school classified 1725 students according to the following categories: dull, coverage, intelligent and family economic levels: rich, middle class and poor

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A certain school classified 1725 students according to the following categories: dull, coverage, intelligent and family economic levels: rich, middle class and poor
Answered 1 days After Sep 08, 2022


Monica answered on Sep 09 2022
79 Votes
Perform two sample t – test
The null and alternative hypothesis is given by,


Check whether to use pooled t –test or un-pooled t –test
F – Test

F – test statistic is,

Decision Rule:
Reject Ho; if the p –value is less than 0.05
Fail to reject Ho; if the p –value is not less than 0.05
To find p –value use the excel function =1-F.DIST.RT(0.783,8,8,TRUE)
Multiply the obtained value by 2
The required p – value is equal to 0.737679...

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