700001 Marketing Principles
© Western Sydney University International College XXXXXXXXXX
Essay Topic
Is marketing practice concerned with satisfying customer needs and wants?
A minimum of four (4) academic/scholarly references is required for a pass grade. The
information may come from either electronic journal articles or e-books. Use WSU Li
to find your information. Should you wish to be considered for higher grades, evidence of
additional reading is required.
The research you have used will be well integrated into the essay with the resources clearly
acknowledged (in-text citations) and listed in the Reference List using WSU Harvard Style
The criteria contained in the assessment marking guide (below) provides further guidelines
for the completion of this assessment.
Furthermore, you were provided with one-on-one feedback during your Week 4 Tutorial
class on your Part A submission. It is expected that you use this feedback in the preparation
and presentation of your essay.
Due date: Week 6
Length: 1,250 words
Weighting: 20%
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 5
Submission: Via MOODLE
Go through the essay writing process by analysing the question,
ainstorming, research and
eading, note taking and organising your information. Your efforts in completing Part A will
contribute significantly to this exercise. Then write an essay plan, draft, and re-draft, write
your essay, and then proofread your final draft. Read and understand the marking criteria.
Seek advice from your tutor when necessary. Furthermore, WSU LIBRARY website (Study
Smart Zone) has a multitude of services to help you with the completion of assessment
tasks. In addition, WSUIC provides literacy support for all students. A list of these support
classes can be found by contacting Student Support Services.
700001 Marketing Principles
© Western Sydney University International College XXXXXXXXXX
Part B marking guide
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Essay structure • Essay does not
have a clear
introduction, body
and/or conclusion
• Essay may have
poorly structured
making the
document difficult
to read
Essay includes:
• An introduction with an
attempt at a thesis
statement and main
• Body paragraphs with a single
topic and evidence
• A conclusion with a summary
of the main arguments and a
estatement of the thesis
Essay includes:
• An introduction with
general statements, a
clear thesis, and an
outline of main
• Body paragraphs with an
attempt at a topic
sentence, superficial
analysis of the evidence
• A conclusion with a
summary of the main
arguments, and a
estatement of the thesis
Essay includes:
• An introduction with general
statements, a clear thesis,
and an outline of main
• Body paragraphs with
topic sentence that
articulates the main
argument to be developed,
some analysis of evidence
• A conclusion with a
summary of the main
arguments, a restatement
of the thesis, and a final
comment on the topic
Essay includes:
• An introduction with
general statements
elevant to the topic, a
thesis which asserts a
valid response to the
question and main
arguments that support
the thesis
• Body paragraphs with
topic sentence that
articulates the main
argument to be
developed, in-depth
analysis of evidence
• A conclusion with a
summary of the main
arguments, a
estatement of the
thesis, and an analytical
final comment on the
0–7 7.5–9 9.5–10.5 11–12.5 13–15
700001 Marketing Principles
© Western Sydney University International College XXXXXXXXXX
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Understanding of
Essay does not
demonstrate an
understanding of topic
as the response to the
question is confused or
elevant. Student has
misinterpreted the
Discussion and evidence provided
are relevant to the essay
question. However, the
discussion and evidence are
limited and/or descriptive
demonstrating a basic
understanding of the topic
Discussion and evidence
provided are relevant to the
essay question. There is an
attempt to provide a
discussion of some of the
key issues on the topic and
an adequate attempt at
integrating relevant
Discussion and evidence
provided are relevant to the
essay question. Discussion
highlights some of the key issues
on the topic. Evidence used is
Discussion and evidence
provided are relevant to the
essay question. Discussion
highlights a few key issues
on the topic. Evidence used
is both highly relevant and
0–14.5 15–18.5 19–22 22.5–25 25.5–30
Critical analysis There is no analysis of
the alternative views
on the essay topic (few
eferences and/or
limited analysis of
esearch findings)
Highly descriptive essay
There is an attempt to investigate
and evaluate relevant
views/approaches to the essay
topic with an attempt to develop
a considered opinion
Moving beyond basic
descriptive discussion with
an attempt to analyse
The relevant
views/approaches on the
esearch topic have been
investigated. There is some
evaluation of relevant
esearch with an attempt to
develop an overall opinion
Evaluative discussion
The relevant views/approaches
on the research topic have been
investigated. There is thorough
evaluation of relevant research
with a clear overall opinion
High standard of critical
analysis of topic, based on
esearch findings
The relevant
views/approaches on the
esearch topic have been
investigated. There is in-
depth and critical evaluation
of relevant research with a
clear overall opinion
0–9.5 10–12.5 13–14.5 15–16.5 17–20
700001 Marketing Principles
© Western Sydney University International College XXXXXXXXXX
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Expression Poor or no
proofreading and
editing evident. Essay
has many spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation e
Difficult to read and/or
Essay demonstrates an attempt
at proofreading and editing.
There are some spelling,
grammar, and punctuation e
Attempts to use formal academic
Essay demonstrates editing
and proofreading. There are
few spelling, grammar, and
punctuation e
ors. Formal
academic language used
Essay demonstrates editing and
proofreading. There are minimal
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation e
ors. Formal
academic language used
Essay demonstrates editing
and proofreading. There are
no spelling, grammar, or
punctuation e
ors. Formal
academic language used
0–4.5 5–6 6.5–7 7.5–8 8.5–10
Research (references
must appear in
eference list AND be
cited in paper)
• Has less than 4
(according to
Essay includes:
• 4 appropriate resources,
(according to assignment
Essay includes:
• 5 appropriate resources,
including (according to
assignment guidelines)
Essay includes:
• 6 appropriate resources,
including (according to
assignment guidelines)
Essay includes:
• 7 or more appropriate
esources (according to
assignment guidelines)
700001 Marketing Principles
© Western Sydney University International College XXXXXXXXXX
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Referencing • Does not
acknowledge all the
esearch used (may
e missing
in-text citations or
have an incomplete
eference list)
NOTE: there are no
partial marks here —
you will score ZERO if
you miss one or more
eferences in your
eference list or do
not acknowledge your
sources of information
in the body of the
• Acknowledgement of all
esearch used through in-text
citations and an accurate
eference list.
• The Harvard style is adequate
• Acknowledgement of all
esearch used through
in-text citations and an
accurate reference list
• The Harvard style is
• Acknowledgement of all
esearch used through in-text
citations and an accurate
eference list
• The Harvard style is near-
• Acknowledgement of all
esearch used through
in-text citations and an
accurate reference list
• The Harvard style is
0 5 6–7.5 8–9 10