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4/16/23, 5:33 PM Quiz: W14 HW The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
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W14 HW The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
Started: Apr 16 at 5:28pm
Quiz Instructions
Read The Rosie VSM Case below and after completing the cu
ent VSM map and
metrics, answer the questions.
The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
The Rosie Pastry Company makes Rose-embellished birthday cake cookies in several large commercial
akeries across the United States.  The process is the same in all the bakeries and consists of mixing the
cookie dough, forming the cookies (called base cakes), baking and cooling them. The cooled cookies are
then iced and packaged. The packaged cookies are then shipped hourly to a company warehouse.
As part of a continuous improvement program, W. Guan, a consultant from an external firm, wondered if the
production process could be improved.  To understand the process, she took a pencil and clipboard and
drew a value stream map of the cookie process. 
Guan knew that the monthly production requirement was 30,000 cases.  The bakery operated 25 days pe
month with 3 8-hour shifts per day with an hour long lunch
eak. Since the line is dedicated to Rose-
embellished birthday cake cookies, there is no changeover time or set up time.
Step 1: Mixing the dough involves combining the flour, shortening, sugar and cocoa and mixing.  The
processing time for one case is 50 seconds.  There are two operators. Guan counted the inventory at the
various storage locations and found ingredients for 1,200 cases of finished cookies before the mixer.
Step 2: Forming, baking and cooling are done by an automated production machine that holds 20 cases
operating continuously at the same rate.  The machine is able to form, bake & cool 20 cases every 15
minutes. That means 20 are finished every 15 minutes. Guan counted 300 cases of mixed dough before step
Step 3: Guan counted 60 cases waiting to be iced & assembled. Icing and cookie assembly are done in a
single operation, with three operators.  The processing time is 12 minutes per case. Guan counted 600 cases
efore step 4.
Step 4: Finally, the processing time for packaging is 90 seconds per case. There is one operator and 60
cases waiting to be shipped.
The Sales department informs the Warehouse about sales forecasts.  The Warehouse sends electronic
forecasts and daily orders to Production Control.  Production Control issues electronic purchase orders to the
ingredient and packaging suppliers weekly but provides daily orders to each of the internal departments in
the bakery.
0.1 ptsQuestion 1
4/16/23, 5:33 PM Quiz: W14 HW The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
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The available work time =  ___________ min/day (enter integer).
0.1 ptsQuestion 2
The customer demand is ______________ cases/day (enter integer).
0.1 ptsQuestion 3
The takt time is _____________ seconds (enter integer).
0.1 ptsQuestion 4
For the mixing step, full time employees (FTEs) = ________ (ente
0.1 ptsQuestion 5
4/16/23, 5:33 PM Quiz: W14 HW The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
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For the mixing step, the cycle time is ______________ seconds (ente
0.1 ptsQuestion 6
For the second step, the cycle time is __________ seconds (ente
0.1 ptsQuestion 7
For the third step, the utilization is ____________ % (round to the
nearest integer)?
0.1 ptsQuestion 8
For the packaging step, the utilization is _______________ % (round
to the nearest integer)?
4/16/23, 5:33 PM Quiz: W14 HW The Rosie Pastry Company VSM Case
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Quiz saved at 5:33pm
0.1 ptsQuestion 9
What is the total process time in seconds for all 4 steps (round to the
nearest integer)?
0.1 ptsQuestion 10
What is the total lead time in days (round to the nearest 2 decimal
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Answered Same Day Apr 16, 2023


Himanshu answered on Apr 17 2023
36 Votes
        1    The available work time can be calculated as follows:                    Note:    Explanation:
            Total number of shifts per month = 25 days * 3 shifts per day =     75     shifts                Since the bakery operates 25 days per month with 38-hour shifts per day and an hour-long lunch
eak, the available work time can be calculated as follows:
            Total work time per shift = 38 hours - 1 hour lunch
eak =     37     hours                38 hours/day x 25 days/month = 950 hours/month
            Total work time per month = 75 shifts * 37 hours per shift =     2775     hours                Subtracting the lunch
eak time:
            Therefore, the available work time is 2775 hours per month.                        950 hours/month - 25 days/month x 1 hou
day = 925 hours/month
                                    Therefore, the available work time per month is 925 hours.
            Coverting into minutes
            2775 hours/month * 60 minutes/hour / 25 days/month    1665
        2    Monthly Production    30,000 cases/month / 30.44 days/month ≈ 986.75 cases/day
        3    Converting customer demand per month into per day
            30,000 cases/month / 25 days/month =     1,200 cases/day
             time available production time per day divided by the customer demand per day:
            (38 hours/day x 60 minutes/hour - 60 minutes lunch
eak) x 60 seconds/minute / 1,200 cases/day = 111 seconds/case
            Therefore, the takt time for producing the Rose-embellished birthday cake cookies is 111 seconds per case.
    4    The processing time for one case in the mixing step is 50 seconds, and there are 2 operators.
        To calculate the FTEs needed for this step, we can use the following formula:
        FTEs = (Total processing time per month for one case) / (Total available working time per month for one operator)
        Total processing time per month for one case = Processing time per case x Number of cases per month = 50 seconds/case x 30,000 cases/month = 1,500,000 seconds/month
        Total available working time per month for one operator = Total available working time per day x Number of working days per month - Lunch
eak time = (38 hours/day x 60 minutes/hour - 60 minutes) x 25 days/month = 36 x 25 x 60 = 54,000 minutes/month
        So, FTEs = 1,500,000 seconds/month / (54,000 minutes/month/operator x 60 seconds/minute) x 2 operators = 1,500,000 / (54,000 x 2) = 13.89 FTEs
        Therefore, approximately 14 full time...

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