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4.1 evaluation of the project cost benefits analysis A, cost benefit analysis B, Revenue and cash flow forecast C, A financial viability of the project ROI and payback period method D, financial...

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4.1 evaluation of the project cost benefits analysis A, cost benefit analysis B, Revenue and cash flow forecast C, A financial viability of the project ROI and payback period method D, financial appraisal

Answered Same Day Jul 05, 2020 PRMA6049


Arun answered on Jul 06 2020
146 Votes
Financial Analysis
The company looks for reducing dependencies of fossil fuels and therefore, it has planned to adopt solar power with battery purchasing. To create awareness, a PR campaign is proposed and therefore associated budgeting and financial feasibility of PR campaign for the company are presented.
The budgeting process involves various things to consider for PR campaign. The cost of production of seasonal cards, newsletters, publication of monthly news and bulletins, yearly handbooks is part of the PR campaign is considered in this campaign. The corporate items such as executive and pocket diaries, address books and other gifts items are also considered for PR campaign. This is done to gain goodwill from the recipients and to promote the organizational
and image. The extensive media coverage requires consideration towards press conference hosting; media people entertainment, editing and articles publications, courtesy calls, and other various activities that are included in the budgeting process. The cost of equipment such as cameras, photocopiers, and consumables such as purchasing of films, video cassettes, albums etc., and media equipments maintenance costs are to be considered for PR campaign and all these elements are included in budget. The advertisement in print media as well as in electronic media is also important cost to consider in budgeting of the PR campaign. The expenses to organise the editorial board meeting and on information technology are also crucial for the PR campaign and these costs are also included in the budget. The web site development for this purpose and associated costs such as web hosting, internet connection, domain name registrations, training to people, and technical support and maintenance costs are also included in the budget. The people needed to ca
y out the PR campaign and their salary and incentives are also part of budgeting of PR campaign.
The budget prepared covers various expenses for PR campaign. This...

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