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4-6 minutes Present aMotivational Speech. This is one type of persuasive speech in which you will try to convince and motivate your audience, so at the end be sure to specifically ask the audience to...

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4-6 minutes

Present aMotivational Speech. This is one type of persuasive speech in which you will try to convince and motivate your audience, so at the end be sure to specifically ask the audience to do something towards your cause. Think of the salespeople in Shark Tank - you have to ask for what you want in order to get it.

Use the outline developed last week as a guide.

This speech requires 3 credible sources to be stated clearly, so use those sources as additional motivation to your audience.

You are not required to have a visual aid, but you can use one if preferred.

Answered Same Day Jun 22, 2020


Anuja answered on Jun 25 2020
147 Votes
Persuasive speech for raising money for refugees in UN nations
Note: To convert a set of people, involve, converse and convince
A very good evening to all the ladies and gentleman present here. I take immense pride in being able to stand and speak in front of you. And I must say this is a fantastically a
anged fund-raiser. So let’s have a round of applause for our co-ordinators and sponsors. Today I’ll be showing you magic and reading your minds. And I promise each one of you that you will leave here today feeling a lot better about yourself. I had...

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