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351LON CW2 Deferral AssessmentAssignment title: International Marketing Strategy – Advertising Pitch/Essay of UnileverAssignment Weight: 50% of your overall module mark.Assignment Briefing:Students...

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351LON CW2 Deferral AssessmentAssignment title: International Marketing Strategy – Advertising Pitch/Essay of UnileverAssignment Weight: 50% of your overall module mark.Assignment Briefing:Students who have already presented the below assignment/case study scenario togetherwith your group last term should submit a copy of your group presentation on Aula.Students who have NOT presented the below assignment/case study scenario togetherwith your group last term should submit a 1,500-word essay to discuss and criticallyexplain the importance of each of the components of a marketing plan for successfuldelivery of an advertising pitch. Please use the below case study scenario (as developed byyour group) to support argumentation. All arguments made should be evidenced and well￾justified.Case study scenario:You are required to create an Advertising Pitch to launch a new market offering for the casestudy brand (please see the brand name below), within one of the following countries: Brazil,Germany, Australia, or Nigeria.The aim of this pitch is to help the case study brand to secure their business in theinternational marketplace. It is assumed that the brand has invited pitches from othercompetitor advertising agencies too.You will need to use theoretical concepts and models examined in this module to indicatehow the brand can successfully develop and launch a new market offering in one of thecountries named above. The market offering can be either a product or service. The marketoffering will need to be completely new to the company and completely new to the market.A market offering completely ‘new to the world’ is what you should aim for! [If themarket offering has already being launched by a competitor brand in another market, thenyou will need to propose significant changes to the market offering. You will also need toprovide detailed and thorough arguments to support the team decision of why not to delivera brand new idea and to convince the company to adopt this marketing plan.]The key to success in this assignment is the creativity in developing a new market offeringand the critical argumentation of all decisions made by the team in preparation oflaunching the market offering. All arguments made should be evidenced and well-justified.

Answered 9 days After Mar 11, 2021


Moumita answered on Mar 21 2021
147 Votes
Running Head: DOVE SERUM BRUSH         1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Description of the Product    3
Critically Discussing the Components of the Marketing Plan in Australia    3
Marketing Research and Market Research    3
Market Segmentation and Targeting    4
Situation and Company Analysis    4
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility    5
Competitive Analysis    6
Marketing Mix Strategy    6
Risk Factors and Mitigation    7
Measurement    8
Conclusion    8
References    10
    It is important for the different companies to ensure that their new product or service is subjected to a definite marketing plan. A stable marketing plan involves a series of strategies that act together to produce a positive business outcome for a company in terms of their products or services that they offer. These are subjected to subsequent stages of development to ensure its superior level of customer awareness and market dominance. In this essay, different elements of the marketing plan are analysed with reference to Dove Brush with Serum. Consequently, the associated risks and its mitigation strategies have also been analysed.
Description of the Product
    The Dove Brush with Serum is a special type of product innovated by Dove. Dove has been a reputed company that produces a premium range of cosmetics, especially for hair nutrition. The Dove serum
ush has a special form of
ush that has a liquid in its chambers. The customers can easily
ush their hair using this
ush. In doing this, then serum flows slowly into the hair, while combing. Consequently, the protein essence to the hair is provided through the
ush. The product has been innovative and is accepted widely in its trial run.
Critically Discussing the Components of the Marketing Plan in Australia
Marketing Research and Market Research
    It is important for Dove to ensure that the Serum
ush is widely accepted in Australia, a market that they are about to enter. In this case, it becomes imperative for the company to ensure that a thorough market research is established. This pertains to the survey from the customers about their preferences towards serum (Adie, Hall & Prayag, 2018). In Australia, the product after launch will be successful, if the demands of the customers are effectively met by a company.
    Consequently it is also important for Dove to ensure that the marketing research is performed by the company. In this case, the channels of marketing are analysed by the company. Here, Dove may implement this process to make sure about the marketing medium that is mostly used by the customers. Consequently, targeting through these mediums like social media may be a significant advantage for Dove.
Market Segmentation and Targeting
    Marketing segmentation and targeting the customers forms a major parameter of the marketing plan for the companies. In this case, Dove may be exposed to a significant level of advantage of a proper method of segmentation and targeting is established. It is established that the youth of Australia has been inclined towards innovative skin care products (Dolnicar, Grün & Leisch, 2018). This has provided the opportunity for Dove to sell their Serum
ushes at significant rates. The company has mainly implemented the demographic segmentation and the behavioural segmentation where the customers rely on specific
ands such as Dove.
    Consequently, Dove has also...

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