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Answered Same Day May 19, 2020


Amit answered on May 28 2020
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    ITC571 – Emerging Technology and Innovations
    Assignment No
    Final Report
    Due Date
    Lecturer’s Name
    Malka N. Halgamuge
Li-Fi technology and its applications
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Your Email
School of Computing and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Melbourne, Victoria
Table of Contents
1.    Abstract    3
2.    Introduction    4
3.    Introduction    4
4.    Used methods and material    11
6.    Results    16
7.    Discussions    17
8.    Conclusion    17
9.    References:    18
1. Abstract
To complete my final work of this assignment, the analysis focus has been maintained towards the data development on the Li-Fi technology and also the numerous applications. The light fidelity is the main concept behind implementation of Li-Fi network. A German physicist named Mr. Harald Haas has proposed and introduced this latest technology of data transfer with means of VLC in 2011. It is an optical network working on bases of wireless technology by making use of LED for performing data transmissions. This technology is based on the prime concept of VLC (visible light communication) which makes use of light as the primary medium of data transfer. The Li-Fi is very similar to term Wi-Fi. The 802.15.7 standard of IEEE is used in implementation of Li-Fi. The bidirectional high speed network communication by means of wireless communication is main advantage of using this network technology. However, the most important insight is coined towards the matter of enhancing the remote space access. For this purpose, the prevailing literature has been accessed to know the present and on the market analysis propagation to get the thought of the analysis. Moreover, ways of playing the analysis has been indicated with the help of the exiting analysis ways love survey, and comparative study.
The advancement of the technology has emerged the Li-Fi technology because the rising transfe
ing media which will make sure the transfer of knowledge between the connected devices with the utilization of sunshine. The prevalence of the technology has allowed the access of knowledge from the remote place and it's thought-about jointly of the
eakthrough technology for consecutive generation net users [1]. The most important reason behind the emergence of the technology is joined with the high-speed answer towards the video on demand (VOD). However, the priority is related to development of the service which will implement the wireless access while not the event of any risks relating to rottenness interference.
With reference to VOD it's evident that the semiconductor diode lighting are often used with the set-up generation of in-flight native space network (LAN) and generates secure communication platform for the cabin crew. The structural development and maintenance of the device design is vital for co
ect utilization of the Li-Fi technology in foreign places [2]. The specification of the technology is related to Li-Fi web viz. semiconductor diode Lamp and Li-Fi electronic device. The applied technology is coined with IrDA grievance devices and chiefly operates in high information dense setting [3]. The appliance of the Li-Fi within the industrial level and just in case of remote space is feasible thanks to the benefits that the technology is presently providing towards the technology. Exaggerated potency at the side of the cost-effectiveness is that the major reason for the implementation of the technology which will transmit information with higher potency in no time [4]. Additionally, higher security and also the handiness of the information square measure the foremost further blessings of the technology that definitely indicates that the dead spots in web access not exist. However, it's essential to contemplate the facts relating to the disadvantages that the technology exerts in terms of sunshine supply reliance, restricted vary access and interference downside.
2. Introduction
Li-Fi technology, Bandwidth, LED, comparative, VOD, survey, VLC, visible light
3. Introduction
In the modern world of data communication, the wireless technologies like Li-Fi are providing the new ways by which the LED lights can be used for making any fast data transmission. In normal days, a human regularly requires to perform the data transmission like in social media activities or official works. With increased connected devices to any wireless or wired network, the data transmission speed becomes slow. Also when the connected devices on any internet facility are being increased, then, the utilized bandwidth makes it difficult to perform high speed data transmissions. The security of any wireless network is also a big issue with increased number of hosts. The use of radio waves can solve this issue but the provided electromagnetic spectrum by radio waves is very small. Thus, for increased secured requirements of spectrum of secured data transfer, the Li-Fi is providing a conventional method over radio waves in the modern wireless communications.
Li-Fi technology is associate degree innovation done by a German Engineer, that uses the sunshine because the supply of transfe
ing media among the supply and also the devices. The light-emitting diode already connected at homes, offices, restaurants and any remote place will use this technology of knowledge transfer. The technology is often
eakthrough for consecutive generation of net user. The speed of net will travel with the speed of sunshine, thus we will simply imagine the high-speed knowledge that we will get at each place wherever ever there's supply of light [1]. Like, these days there square measure still several distant places wherever the net couldn't be equipped, however with the general public use of Li-Fi, the net are often provided the least bit places where supply of sunshine is there. The analysis is needed to be in hot water gathering the information and knowledge concerning the usability of the innovation technique. it's additionally found within the analysis that the speed of this technology are often around twenty gigabytes per second in situ of cu
ent few megabytes. The technology is much additional advantageous than the Wi-Fi technology that square measure getting used worldwide for connecting devices with the network and net. So, it's significantly necessary to analysis the subject and gain info beforehand in order that an equivalent are often used in sensible life in industries.
The interest level within the innovation has motivated Pine Tree State to settle on the subject and do analysis on that, in order that the specified level of knowledge are often gathered and gained. The present downside that we have a tendency to face in cu
ent net era just like the security issue (the major one that everywhere the planet countless greenbacks square measure being invested), speed issue, quality issue etc. are often removed victimization Li-Fi technology. To resolve the prevailing problems that square measure being sweet-faced by the users are often removed so the motivation is gathered to try and do the analysis in order that the specified level of data are often gathered for future use.
The problems area unit te
ibly serious that area unit being two-faced by the cyber users, just like the
each of information and privacy by intrusive within the network system by a number of the hackers UN agency area unit exploitation an equivalent Wi-Fi network. As this technology can't be hacked by an individual sitting in another space that is blocked by any opaque object, as light-weight cannot experience them so the privacy are often maintained by simply providing a physical ba
ier. Such associate innovative technology which might be merely gone through the semiconductor diode lights getting used at each social unit which too which might give highest level of security at the side of the one hundred times a lot of speed knowledge are often a renovation in IT world. So, doing analysis during this space is incredibly a lot of important and can actually facilitate ME adding worth to my career. The researchers try to search out the answer to the drawbacks of the Li-Fi system so it is often utilized in modern market. Few problems that exist within the Li-Fi technology is that the transmission of information to long varies, where the sunshine isn't gift or there's any interference of different supply of sunshine like daylight, the info could get altered. Moreover, an entire new supply of infrastructure could also be needed for developing the system and use it in situ of Wi-Fi. Thus, all this type of criteria area units are being administered at the researcher’s level to develop the total proof system for developing the new era of IT with Li-Fi [2]. Aim of my analysis is to develop and outline the applications of the Li-Fi technology and derive that on that manner it's a lot of helpful than exploitation the Wi-Fi network. The network is incredibly helpful in protection of privacy associated confidentiality that too by merely providing the physical ba
ier with an opaque object, it's as straightforward as nothing and therefore the privacy are often maintained all over by each individual. The target is to know its usability over the Wi-Fi to develop a lot of secured cyber network [3].
Significance of the Research
The structural development and maintenance of the device design is vital for co
ect utilization of the Li-Fi technology in foreign places [16]. The specification of the technology is related to Li-Fi web viz. semiconductor diode Lamp and Li-Fi electronic device. The applied technology is coined with IRDA grievance devices and chiefly operates in high information dense setting [13]. The appliance of the Li-Fi within the industrial level and just in case of remote space is feasible thanks to the benefits that the technology is presently providing towards the technology. Exaggerated potency at the side of the cost-effectiveness is that the major reason for the implementation of the technology which will transmit information with higher potency in no time [14]. This analysis is coined towards the...

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