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20/06/2020 Laureate International Universities 1/5 MODULE 1MODULE 1...

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Introduction to re�ective
learning and re�ective writing
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards” -
Søren Kierkegaard
Your assessments are re�ective in nature and, so, in this part of module
1, we look at the importance of re�ection for learning and how to write
e�ectively. In your career, you will have thousands of experiences,
particularly in teams, which you can learn from. How can you use each
experience you have to help inform and improve the next? How can you
continue to learn, improve, enhance your reputation and progress in
your career? It will not be by having experiences, putting them “in a
drawer” and simply moving on to the next. Re�ection is a powerful
learning activity if done co
ectly. Here, we seek to provide you some
tools and ideas to assist you with good re�ection.
David Kolb is a well-known American educational theorist born in 1939.
He wrote an exceptional book (Experiential learning: experience as the
source of learning and development), which we o�er here as a
ecommended (and highly encouraged) optional resource. Kolb is
interested in adult, experiential learning theory and developed a learning
styles inventory based on a learning model including four elements as
shown below:
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As you can see above, According to Kolb (1984), adults undertake a
“spiral” of learning that can start at any of the four elements, but typically
at a concrete experience – such as those the things that happen to you
are work or University. But, unless you re�ect, you cannot move around
the learning cycle! Thus, re�ection is integral to avoid getting “stuck” in
experiences and experimentation, which might be a slow (and painful!)
way to learn. Of course, we need to “do” things to learn as well – but
without re�ection and thinking, it is di�cult to learn e�ectively and
This marks the beginning of your journey of re�ection and self-awareness
aimed at increasing your employability and career success. It is time fo
you to go through the learning resources and undertake the learning
activities. They are fun. Enjoy!
Kolb, David A XXXXXXXXXXExperiential learning: experience as the source of
learning and development (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Essential Resources:
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Given, B.K XXXXXXXXXXTeaching to the Brain’s Natural
Learning Systems. USA: Association for Supervision and
iculum Development. Retrieved from
ppg=1&docID=3002034&tm= XXXXXXXXXX
To start our understanding of the importance of re�ective learning,
please read Chapter 6 “The Re�ective Learning System” (pages 105-
BrunelASK. (2015, August 11). Critical Re�ection [Video
�le]. Retrieved from https:
Watch this short video on critical re�ection and think about how it
might be relevant to your �rst assessment. Which strategies
mentioned could you use in completing the assessment tasks?
University of South Australia. (2017, Fe
uary 20). Study
Help: Re�ective Writing [Video �le]. Retrieved from
This video provides an excellent overview of re�ective writing –
essential for your assessment tasks.
Pretorius, L. (2017, May 10). Writing Re�ective
Assignments. [Video �le]. Retrieved from
This video goes into a little more depth about how to complete a
e�ective writing assignment – perfect for succeeding in you
assessment tasks for this subject.
Learning Activity:
eader.action?ppg=1&docID=3002034&tm= XXXXXXXXXX
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Learning Activity 1.1: Introductions
Your �rst activity for this module is to introduce yourself
on the discussion forum- Learning Activity 1.1:
As part of your introduction, make sure you include:
Your name and course of study.
What would you like to achieve with your course?
Browse through your peers’ posts and leave a welcome comment
on at least one.
Go back to your post on the following days to read your welcome
comments and be part of the community!
This activity is due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 1.1
(week 1).
To participate in the Discussion Forum, click here to scroll to
the bottom of this page then click on the "Module 1 -
Discussion Forum" link.
Learning Activity 1.2: Re�ective learning and writing in
Now that you are familiar with the assessment tasks and
the importance of re�ective learning and critical re�ective writing,
think about instances where you would need to apply these skills in
your professional future. How could re�ective learning and writing
help you apply for a job? In a job interview? Setting out professional
goals and assessing them? How are these skills valuable for any
Importantly, please now also get in the habit of commenting on the
posts of your colleagues. This interaction is respectful (someone is
“listening”!), fun and a great way for us to all learn together.
Go to the discussion forum for this activity in Blackboard and share
your re�ection with your peers and learning facilitator.
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This activity is due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 1.1
(week 1).
To participate in the Discussion Forum, click here to scroll to
the bottom of this page then click on the "Module 1 -
Discussion Forum" link.
Learning Activity 1.3: Self-check learning activity
Below are a series of statements based on the learning
esources in module 1.1. Let’s see what you remember! If
the statement is co
ect, you can add it to the trophy. If it is
ect – chuck it in the bin!
You can attempt this activity as many times as you like.

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Emotional Intelligence
“In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that
feels” - Daniel Jay Goleman
There is a direct link between the way people feel and how they perform
at work. Research has shown that emotions in�uence our decisions,
ehaviour and performance. This in�uence can be both conscious (that
is, we are aware of it) and non-conscious (that is, we are not aware of it).
Research has shown that we are typically not conscious of the in�uence
emotion is having on our decisions, behaviour and performance about
85% of the time. Finally, the science has also shown us that emotions can
in�uence us in these areas in both productive and unproductive ways.
Can you match the co
esponding e�ects to negative and positive
emotions co
ectly? Click here to try
In this module, we focus on emotional intelligence and continue to re�ect
on our own capabilities and the di�erent ways we can enhance and
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strengthen them as part of our professional development. Every business
person knows someone who is highly intelligent and highly skilled but
failed as a leader… and they also know someone with only solid (not
outstanding) intellectual and technical skills, who is revered as a leader.
The di�erence between the two is highly likely to be emotional
intelligence! Indeed, Daniel Goleman XXXXXXXXXXbelieves that IQ and technical
skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of
For those with rusty Latin - sine qua non means “ya gotta have it”!
Fortunately, emotional intelligence can be developed and we aim to help
you in that endeavour here.
Goleman, D XXXXXXXXXXWhat makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review,
76(6): 93-102.
This Module will cover:
The key elements of emotional intelligence
Ways to measure emotional intelligence
Understand your own emotional intelligence and how to develop it
The impact of emotional intelligence on team performance
This Module will help you achieve the
following outcomes:
a) Explain the importance of self-awareness and emotional
intelligence, and analyse its impact on professional competencies.
) Integrate strategies to e�ectively interact with others in a diverse
professional context.
Assessment Progression:
Assessment task 1 is due at the end of this module (week 4).
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To complete this task:
STEP 1: Review the Assessment 1 Brief
STEP 2: Complete the emotional intelligence quiz listed in the
essential resources in this module
STEP 3: Write and submit your assessment
Please contact your learning facilitator if you have any questions.
Class Expectation:
Students are expected to have worked through the learning
material for this module before attending the class – this enables
informed discussion and full participation in learning activities.
Participate in all scheduled Collaborate or face-to-face classes. This
time is intended to be used by students and their learning
facilitator to work through activities and engage in discussion
about the weekly content.
Answered Same Day Jun 20, 2021 BIZ102 Torrens University Australia


Parul answered on Jun 21 2021
151 Votes
In the golden words of Margaret J. Wheatley, "Without deep reflection, we go blindly on our way, create more unintended consequences and failing to achieve anything useful", Reflective learning is about introspection on what one has done and based on the experience what has been learnt so that next time it can be done better. Reflective practice is a dynamic action-based skill that urges a conscious effort to deeply think about events and establish insights from them. There are tremendous benefits that one can get from reflective learning and critical reflective writing which makes it an essential skill to achieve success in any all walks of life. One of the biggest benefits is it enhances awareness about self and the environment that is fundamental in developing emotional intelligence.
Reflective practice and critical reflective writing can strengthen and boost professional career since it helps in building strong connection with others and establishing social network. Reflective learning encourages active involvement and engagement in work processes. Maintaining a reflective journal will always help in commencing meaningful discussion regarding career development, identifying the weakness that one needs to work on and strength that one needs to maintain. It can help in getting jobs since it...

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