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2. Worth: Essays make up 30 percent of students’ grades3. Late papers: 5 points off per class day4. Typed or handwritten: Typed5. Spacing: Double spaced6. Length: 2-3 pages7. Citation format: MLA8....

1 answer below »

2. Worth: Essays make up 30 percent of students’ grades
3. Late papers: 5 points off per class day
4. Typed or handwritten: Typed
5. Spacing: Double spaced
6. Length: 2-3 pages
7. Citation format: MLA
8. Page numbers? Yes
9. Sources: optional
10. Font: anything that’s easy to read—No wacky Fonts Please!
11. Type size: 11, 11.5, or 12 point.
12. Margins: Standard (1 inch of white space at the top and bottom; 1 or 1.25 inch on the
13. Person: Use first person (I, me, we). Do not use second person (you, yours, yourself). 14. Plagiarism: The essay must be the writer’s original work. Any sources must be properly
cited. Plagiarized work will receive a zero.
Answered 1 days After Feb 08, 2023


Ayan answered on Feb 09 2023
36 Votes
Last Name     2
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Conclusion    4
Work Cited    6
    The World Health Organization defines healthcare as a condition of whole physical, mental, and social well-being rather than only the absence of illness or disability. It includes a wide range of solutions, therapies, and actions that support people in preserving or regaining their health and wellbeing. Healthcare has grown to be an essential part of our lives in the modern era since it helps us stay healthy, prevent and treat illnesses, and live longer.
    Preventive care is among the most crucial components of healthcare. Measures made to stop the progression of illness or damage is refe
ed to as preventive care (Gopal, Gayatri, et al). These interventions may be as straightforward as healthy food and regular exercise to more intricate ones like vaccination campaigns and routine health checks. Regular health examinations, including mammograms, prostate exams, and colonoscopies, can aid in the early detection of potential health issues, when they are most curable. The healthcare system will have less work to do and lives can be saved. Treatment of illnesses and injuries is a significant element of healthcare. The development of efficient therapies for a variety of disorders, from minor illnesses to life-threatening diseases, has been made possible by advancements in medical technology and research (Dhanvijay et al.,). For instance, cancer therapies like chemotherapy and radiation therapy...

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