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2. Detailed instructions Length: 2 000 words +/- 10% This assignment is to be written in essay format. (see ACU academic skills unit resource “Academic writing – Essays” for some guidelines about what...

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2. Detailed instructionsLength: 2000 words +/- 10% This assignment is to be written in essay format. (see ACU academic skills unit resource “Academic writing – Essays” for some guidelines about what writing in essay format requires).

Essay Topic: You are a nurse working in a disadvantaged community. Describe how you would work in partnership using a strengths based approach with community groups to develop a mutually respectful and supportive collaboration in a high needs community to address a health issue (one of the NHPAs - see the list below).

Students should select one of the National Health Priority Areas listed below on which to focus the essay discussion.

Cancer control Cardiovascular health Mental health Diabetes mellitus Asthma Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions Obesity Dementia

3. Guidelines for preparing your essay

In developing your essay - Read widely. Have a clear understanding of what the topic is asking you to write about and ensure you include discussion of each of the elements identified in the topic statement. Use credible, current and relevant evidence from a range of evidence sources (that is, peer reviewed academic journals, appropriate and recent textbooks, online reports, research evidence and discussion papers from reputable and scholarly websites; primary sources) to support the development of your ideas, argument and discussion. Add depth and meaning to your discussion by referring to examples which demonstrate the role and function of the nurse in working with community groups to address community health issues. Your examples may focus on local, national or international contexts. Write for your target audience – in this case the marker of your work, who is a registered nurse with experience in planning and carrying out health promotion activities in a collaborative way. Consideration should be given to the requirements for nursing practice in all practice settings laid down in the NMBA RN Standards for Practice (2016), NMBA Code of Conduct for Nurses XXXXXXXXXXand ICN Code of Ethics XXXXXXXXXXLinks to these documents can be accessed here. Ensure you write your assignment using essay format. This means your assignment should have an introduction, body and conclusion. Traditionally, essays do not have headings, subheadings, lists or tables (see ACU Academic Skills Unit. (2020). “What are academic essays?”)) Enlist a proof reader to check for errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation, as well as incorrect use of APA style in your referencing, before you submit your assignment.ResourcesPresented here in alphabetical order (as per APA) most of these resources are focused on concepts such as community partnerships, collaboration and engagement. There are also some case studies and a few articles which gives details about community and population based interventions. Chiang, R., Meagher, W. & Slade, S XXXXXXXXXXHow the whole school, whole community, whole child model works: Creating greater alignment, integration and collaboration between health and education. Journal of School Health, 85(11): 775-84, E., Albanesi, C., Valletta, L. & Prati, G XXXXXXXXXXQuality of collaboration within health promotion partnerships: Impact on sense of community, empowerment, and perceived projects’ outcomes. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(2): 323-36, E. & Cornelius, S XXXXXXXXXXAn approach toward the planning of green-friendly spaces in South Africa. Community Development Journal, 53(2): XXXXXXXXXX,, D. & White, A. (2016). Sports-based health interventions - case studies from around the world. XXXXXXXXXXCorbin, J., Jones, J. & Barry, M XXXXXXXXXXWhat makes intersectoral partnerships for health promotion work? A review of the international literature.Health Promotion International, 33 (1): 4–26,, A XXXXXXXXXXUnpacking ‘Participation’: models, meanings and practices.Community Development Journal, 43 (3): 269–283, for Health and Ageing, Government of South Australia. (2013). Guide for Engaging with Consumers and the Community 2013, E., Oliver, M., Downing, B., Kurth, J. & Protheroe, J XXXXXXXXXXEffective Partnership in Community-Based Health Promotion: Lessons from the Health Literacy Partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,14(12), XXXXXXXXXXKegler, C., Norton, B. & Aronson, R XXXXXXXXXXSkill improvement among coalition members in the California Healthy Cities and Communities Program.Health Education Research, 22(3): 450–457,, W., Maltsberger, B., Johnson, L. & Adams, J XXXXXXXXXXCollaboration: finding the place for Cooperative Extension in the intersection of community development and health promotion. Community Development, 45(1): 90-102 XXXXXXXXXXMcNeish, R., Rigg, K., Tran, Q. & Hodges, S XXXXXXXXXXCommunity-based behavioural health interventions: Developing strong community partnerships. Evaluation and Program Planning, 73: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXMendes, P XXXXXXXXXXCommunity as a ‘spray-on solution’: A case study of community engagement within the income management program in Australia. Community Development Journal¸53(2): XXXXXXXXXX,, T., Changfoot, N. & Hill, S XXXXXXXXXXParticipatory planning in a low-income neighbourhood in Ontario, Canada: building capacity and collaborative interactions for influence,Community Development Journal, 54(4): 622–642, You must be logged into the ACU library to access this eBook)Okeke-Ogbuafor, N., Gray, T. & Stead, S XXXXXXXXXXA comparative analysis of the role of traditional and modern community-based organizations in promoting community development in Ogoniland, Nigeria. Community Development Journal, 53(1): XXXXXXXXXX,, J., Jarvis, L., Campbell-Crofts, S. & Whitehead, D XXXXXXXXXXAustralian rural, remote and urban community nurses’ health promotion role and function. Health Promotion International, 31(3): XXXXXXXXXXdoi: XXXXXXXXXX/heapro/dav018.Sykes, S., Wills, J. & Popple, K XXXXXXXXXXThe role of community development in building critical health literacy. Community Development Journal, 53(4): XXXXXXXXXX, task 2 marking criteria: Essay Rubric
Elements (Weighting)
HD 85-100%
F (0) (No attempt made)
Sequencing (10 Marks)
The content in the essay clearly matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Paragraphs are organised, and there is a logical progression of ideas so that content flows from one paragraph to the next. The essay ends with a rational and well structured conclusion.
The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Paragraphs are organised so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and the essay ends with a rational and well structured conclusion.
The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion.
The content in the essay mostly matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Paragraphs are organised so that content flows from one paragraph to the next some of the time, and the essay ends with a conclusion.
Some sequencing is evident, however, content within the body and within paragraphs is not clearly or logically sequenced.
There is no evidence of sequencing.
Content, Evidence and Examples (40 Marks)
The content reflects all elements identified in the topic statement; is specific, current and important to the topic and has impact in the way it is discussed; includes relevant examples which consistently add
The content reflects most elements identified in the topic statement; is specific, current and important to the topic; includes relevant examples which add depth and meaning to the discussion; and is supported by high
The content reflects some elements identified in the topic statement; is specific and important to the topic; includes relevant examples which add meaning to the discussion; and is supported by quality evidence
The content reflects some elements identified in the topic statement; is specific to the topic; includes examples which add to the discussion; and is supported by evidence some of the time.
Some content is not relevant to the topic. Evidence and examples are presented of varying quality.
The content, evidence and examples are not appropriate.HD 85-100%
F (0) (No attempt made)
depth and meaning to the discussion; and is supported by high quality evidence at all times.
quality evidence most of the time.
some of the time evidence.
Critical Thinking, Reasoning and Evaluation of the Evidence (20 marks)
There is evidence of both depth and breadth of reading. A sound, considered argument is presented, and is well supported by appropriate evidence at all times.
There is evidence of both depth and breadth of reading. A sound argument is presented, and is supported by appropriate evidence on almost all occasions.
There is evidence of breadth of reading. A reasonable argument is presented, and is supported by appropriate evidence most of the time.
There is limited evidence of breadth of reading. An argument is attempted and is supported by appropriate evidence some of the time.
There is limited evidence of reading. No clear argument is presented, supported by minimal evidence.
There is no evidence of reading. There is no clear argument presented.
Structuring an Argument (10 Marks)
A clear, wellconstructed and balanced argument has been presented. The argument has been justified.
A clear, wellconstructed and balanced argument has been presented.
A clear, wellstructured argument has been presented.
A clear argument has been presented.
A clear argument has not been presented.
No argument has been presented
Quality of Sources (5 Marks)
Credible, current and relevant references are used at all times.
Credible, current and relevant references are used most of the time.
Credible, current and relevant references are used some of the time.
Credible, current and relevant references are used occasionally; inappropriate sources are used occasionally.
References are consistently lacking and/or of poor academic quality.
References are not given.
Referencing (5 Marks)
Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. Use of 3 or more evidence types is seen.
Accurate use of APA referencing style on almost all occasions; minimal errors only. Use of 2 or more evidence types is seen.
Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. Use of 2 evidence types is seen.
Accurate use of APA referencing style on some occasions. There is no variation of evidence type.
Many inaccuracies with the APA referencing style. There is no variation of evidence type.
Referencing is not consistent with APA style.
Audience Awareness (5 Marks)
The language and written expresion is of a high quality; it is sophisticated, and appropriate for the target audience, and suits the purpose for which the essay is intended.Mechanics - Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (5 marks)
There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation that impact readability and understanding. The text reads without interruption

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Abhishek answered on May 30 2021
147 Votes
Running Head: DIABETES MELLITUS         1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Background of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus    3
NMBA Code of Ethics for Nurses while Working with Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus amongst To
es Strait Islanders    4
NMBA Registered Nurses’ Standards for Practice while Working with Diabetic Patients    6
Working in Partnership with Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in To
es Strait Island    8
Conclusion    9
References    10
The healthcare system of the nation is one of the crucial factors for the residents living in the country. The development of the nation is also justified by the amount of healthcare service the country provides to its citizens. It is the healthcare system, which ensures the mortality rate in the country. The mortality rate of the county is high when the healthcare services are at its worst condition. On the other aspect of the picture, if the healthcare service of the nation is good, the rate of mortality decreases in a much efficient manner.
This essay will shed light on the various aspects of the nurses who treat the patients of diabetes. Mostly the patients belonging to the backward class, here the To
es Strait Islanders of Australia are focused om and various problems faced by them are reviewed as well as analysed The report is well equipped with the background of the patients suffering from diabetes. The applicable code of conduct that the nurses follow while dealing with such patients is also explored. The NMBA standard that is followed during the treatment of diabetes patients along with the formation of partnership of the nurse to provide better acre is vividly described.
Background of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
When the glucoses level in the blood is increased at a much higher amount the disease called diabetes is caused. Glucose level in blood is the reason behind the energy for the better function of the body however the excessive amount of blood glucose is the primary reason for the cause of the disease (Hughes, Ayer & Katsimilis, 2019). The disease is subdivided into several parts such as diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2 and gestational diabetes. In the border spectrum, it can be said that diabetes is the storehouse of several other diseases of the body. The symptoms of diabetes in most of the patients are blu
ed vision, weight gain or lose, severe weakness and prone to infection.
There are two possible ways of having diabetes, one is due to the medical history and other is the family history of the patients. The possibility of family borne diabetes is the most common reason why people suffer from this disease. The risks if the patients having diabetes is much greater as the diabetic patients is more prone to the collapsing of heart, the failure of the internal organs, losing eyesight forever, urinary retention and many more (Kwan et al., 2020)
NMBA Code of Ethics for Nurses while Working with Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus amongst To
es Strait Islanders
The patients with diabetes are meant to remain diabetic for the rest of their lives. It is one of the examples of chronic disease, which is not cured but can be controlled. The great amount of understanding is required between the nurses and diabetic patients while getting treatment. The level of understanding that the nurse needs to have during treatment of such patients is rooted from the pain of the patients whose internal organs are on the verge of collapsing due to the disease (Lyons & Bliss, 2018). The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Codes of Ethics is the set of rules and regulation that is needed to be followed by every nurse. It is the guidelines, which ensures that the nurses are treating their patients in the most ethical way possible.
The decision, which the nurses take while treating the patient, is also based on the respective guidelines framed as the code of ethics. The framework of code of ethics comprises several factor, which includes the theories of nursing treatment, virtues of the treatment, obligation related to the treatment, the ethical practices that re need to be followed. The primary ethics that the nurse follows while treating the patients suffering from diabetes are extensively discussed.
The first code of ethics for nurses suggests the concept of compassion, personal attribution towards the wellbeing of the patients and finally treating them without any prejudice (Latimer, Barton, Ford, Gilbert & Sein, 2018). The patients’ suffering from diabetes suffers from major internal failure; the problem in urine retention of the patients is of the major problem that the nurses face during their treatment. The vulnerability of the patients is due to the collapses of the physical functioning, which arise such problems.
The context of the ethical values the nurse is required to understand such problems related to the patients and handle it with a sense of...

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