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1.What should the role of the federal government be when it comes to crime control? Please remember that your response must be 350 words and use at least one academic reference citation in order to...

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1.What should the role of the federal government be when it comes to crime control?

Please remember that your response must be 350 words and use at least one academic reference citation in order to receive credit.

2.Has the selection of judges become politicized? If so, what may be done to minimize this effect? Please remember that your response must be 350 words and use at least one academic reference citation in order to receive credit.

Answered Same Day Dec 22, 2021


David answered on Dec 22 2021
129 Votes
Answer 1:
Crime is the big problem of the nation as a whole, and affects the economy of the nation.
The prime responsibility to prevent and control the domestic crime goes to local and state
government and if this crime increases to the level that it is not being controlled by them, then
the involvement of the federal government increases. The crime rate is increasing at the great
pace which has given rise to the requirement of the centralized body which can control the crime
in the most effective form. Thus, federal government has the highest jurisdiction when it comes
to criminal matters, especially the issues where the national security have been put on risk. After
the incident of 9/11 te
orist attack, the involvement of the federal government has increased. For
example, the major area of concern of the federal government is on the homeland security and
orism and the increase in the crime rates have increased the requirement of the involvement
of the government.
The role of federal government is very important in controlling the crime because it is the
ody that is responsible to make the uniform law and gives the country with one unified crime
fighting force. Thus, it plays the supportive role in which it assists the local and state government
in fighting the crime. It has the capability to govern the various crime controlling bodies of state
and respond activities to all the emergency situations. In order to extend the power of the federal
government three different bills since 1980 have been passed, i.e. The Comprehensive Crime
Control Act, Law of enforcement Act, and Crime Victims Bill etc. The role of federal
government is very crucial when it comes to the security of the...

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