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1500 – 1700 Words on any topic Research Topic ideas Birth Control, Child Abuse, Gun control, Natural environment , Drug abuse, Climate change, Global warming, Education (Should education be cheaper or...

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1500 – 1700 Words on any topic

Research Topic ideas

Birth Control, Child Abuse, Gun control, Natural environment, Drug abuse, Climate change, Global warming, Education (Should education be cheaper or do college graduates make more money?), The effect of the no child left behind act

Context:You have engaged in a process of exploration and discovery of your research topic. You began with a topic, formed a thesis statement, and began research to support your thesis statement. You are now ready for the “culminating event,” to write an essay in which you will discuss your research, draw conclusions, and offer a persuasive argument.

What is a Research Essay? A research essay discusses the results of original research and contributes something new to the body of knowledge in a given area. Your goal in writing a research essay is to express an informed argument or thesis and try to persuade the reader to care about your findings and to accept your conclusions about your original question.

How and Why Write a Research Essay? Craft this persuasive essay for a general audience, an audience who might be interested in this particular topic, but lacks your expertise. In other words, pitch the article to someone like me or your classmates.

Your role as a researcher is to deepen others’ understanding of an issue, problem, or question, while also offering your own original perspective. Present yourself as an expert who can educate your audience on this topic. After all, you have been researching and writing about this topic for several weeks and are, at the very least, a local expert.

What are the Components of a Research Essay? In terms of its format, your essay should include:

  • A title
  • A body in which you present your research and conclusions:
    • An original claim supported by reasoning and evidence
    • Discussions of how your claim responds to the research you have done
    • Some reflections on what remains to be researched relative to this topic
  • Reference and citation of no fewer than four outside sources, at least two of which must be peer-reviewed articles
  • A Works Cited page in MLA format
  • Criteria. Focus: Writer identifies a focused and manageable research topic. • Writer has a clear, thoughtful, and substantive claim in response to the research question or problem. • Writer places the claim and its significance within the context of the broader conversation going on about the topic. Organization of Argument and Evidence • Writer builds a logical and clearly organized argument in support of the claim. • Topic sentences unify paragraphs. • Transitions clearly indicate relationships between ideas. • Evidence, including quotations, is effectively introduced, explained, and contextualized.


Answered 3 days After Nov 30, 2021


Shubham answered on Dec 04 2021
126 Votes
Last Name 2
Title: Climate Change
Persuasive Essay
Introduction    3
Research Question    3
Research Aim    3
Research Objectives    3
Significance of the Research    3
Literature Review    4
Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Ecosystems    4
Human Impact and Our Responsibility    4
Technical, Political and Social Responses    5
An Original Claim Supported by Reasoning and Evidence    6
Discussions of Claim Responding to Research Done    6
Reflections on Future Scope of this Research    7
Research Methodology    7
Research Proposition    7
Data Collection    7
Ethics and Research Limitations    8
Discussion    8
Conclusion    9
Works Cited    10
Climate change has been a comprehensive research topic for many due to continued shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. It is not restricted to one place but it is affecting every nation is some or the other way. Every day from news feed, it is quite evident that frequent wildfires, increased intensity of tropical storms, draughts, melting of glaciers, intense heat waves and much more are happening at rapid pace. It is expected that the cost of damages, which are significantly rising with time due to climate change are not going to stop anytime soon. The planet’s atmosphere is sensitive towards such changes.
Research Question
· How human intervention in the name of development has resulted in climate change?
· Is it possible to reverse the impact through change specific behaviors?
· As humans, have we gone too far in controlling the ill effects of climate change?
Research Aim
The aim of the research is to identify the activities performed by human beings, which are responsible for climate change.
Research Objectives
· The objectives of the research is to understand the depth of the climate change on planet
· To evaluate the effects on growth of human race
· To identify the negative influence on planet through different trends and patterns
· To develop recommendations and explore future research opportunities
Significance of the Research
Research is always helpful in identifying the root cause of the problem and it suggests ways through which the risks associated with the problem can be mitigated. At the global platform, the communities are exposed to vulnerable risks due to climate change. It has distu
ed the balance of the eco-systems and indicating more severe consequences in the near future. It is believed by Malhi et al., the various evidences collected during the process will be helpful in informing the upcoming generation about the changes, which are resultant of human activities. It will be responsible for creating a conscious platform towards their actions.
Literature Review
Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Ecosystems
Due to human activities, climate change is affecting species in a way they are exace
ated in ecosystems. Global warming has resulted in change in distribution patterns of te
estrial ecosystems. It has threatened the integrity of these ecosystems on which human are depend. The species are elevating from low ranges to sloppy areas.
The composition of ecosystem and its functions are altered because of climate change. As mentioned by Li et al., climate change has led to extinction of various species and certain species are present in dwindling numbers. As indicated by Nordhaus, due to global warming the temperature is shrinking, which has posed a challenge for species, which are in existence due to such climate.
The amount of resources generated from it is varying drastically. It is difficult to predict the future of outcomes climate change will have on ecosystems and species. These uncertainties have limited the capacity of mitigating risk or they ameliorate the effects on te
estrial ecosystems.
Human Impact and Our Responsibility
Humans have contributed heavily in increasing the levels of ca
on dioxide in the atmosphere through their activities, which has amplified the effect of greenhouse effect in the environment. They are burning fossil fuels, which is altering climate at different levels. Due to u
anization, over-exploitation of land is being done, which is reducing the fertility of soil, shifting patterns of vegetation, increasing the overall temperature of the Earth. These have...

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