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11Please write a 3 - 4 page essay examining the portrayal of the Easter Rising in song and short stories.How was the historical event portrayed?How was society's reaction to the events? Please refer...

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11Please write a 3 - 4 page essay examining the portrayal of the Easter Rising in song and short stories.

How was the historical event portrayed?

How was society's reaction to the events?

Please refer to a minimum of 2 songs
(songs we studied in this course)
and 2 short stories by Pádraic Ó Conaire.

Please refer to aminimum of 4 relevant secondary sources including journal articlesto support your arguments.

You must includefull citations for all songs and storiesreferred to in your bibliography. Please followMLA stylefor citations.

If you includequotes, please use in-text citations

Rubric for Final Paper

The following is the rubric I will use when grading:

Rubric for Final Paper


Paper achieving the grade of A should include many of the following

+Paper clearly compares and contrasts the two songs.

+The essay has clear links to discussions held in the course classroom and online.

+Aspects of assigned readings and Blackboard notes are evident.

+5 RELEVANT secondary sources have been referred to, to support the student's arguments and opinions.

+Candidate's own thoughts and opinions have been included in the conclusion.

+Any quotes have been included in quotation marks not making up more than 10% of the paper. Source of quotes are noted at the end of the paper.

+ Essay is roughly 600 words.


Paper achieving the grade of B should include many of the following

+ Paper makes attempts to compare and contrast two songs.

+There appearto be some links to discussions held in the course classroom and online.

+Aspects of assigned readings appear to be included.

+An attempt to include some of the candidate's own voice in the conclusion has been made.

+Most quotes have been properly marked and cited.

+The essay is at least 525 words.


Paper achieving the grade of C should include some of the following

+The paper compares and contrasts the two songs, but there are some challenges.

+There are a few links to discussions held online and in class.

+There are a few indications that assigned readings and Blackboard notes were integrated into this essay.

+A limited effort to include the student’s opinion at the end of the paper has been made.

+A limited attempt to cite quotations has been made.

+The ideas in this paper are either underdeveloped or lack focus (causing the paper to be excessively long)

NB Please don't choose the song from order Id XXXXXXXXXXand If you need something tell. Thank you!

Answered 2 days After Dec 02, 2022


Bidusha answered on Dec 04 2022
54 Votes
Last Name:    1
Title: The Easter Rising in Song and Short Stories
Discussion    3
Work Cited    7
     The Easter Rising, otherwise called the Easter Rebellion, was an uprising that occu
ed in April 1916 during the Easter week. Irish Libertarians battled contrary to English rule in Ireland as of now and requested the foundation of an Irish Free state. Many individuals believe the Easter Ascending to be. Ireland's huge uprising added to the passings of a few groups, including revolutionaries and ordinary residents. Since the authentic occasion was addressed by a few components, many individuals recall it. This article will take a gander at verifiable portrayals of the Easter rising and how the neighbourhood populace responded to the occasion through songs and short stories.
While the UK was participated in WWI, Irish conservatives a
anged The Ascending with an end goal to oust English control in Ireland and lay out a free Irish Republic. It was both the principal military clash of the Irish progressive time and the best significant revolt in Ireland since the resistance of 1798. From May 1916, sixteen of the Rising's chiefs were killed. Eventually, the way of the killings and following political advancements expanded public help for Irish autonomy.
The insurgency was a
anged by Patrick Pearse, Tom Clarke, and various individuals from the Irish Conservative Connection who partook in the Ireland Volunteer gatherings, a development inside the nativist gathering that had around 16,000 individuals and was furnished with German weapons
ought into the country in 1914. Following the disappointment of the 1913 public strike, Dublin laborers framed the Ireland Metro Armed force, which was subsequently joined by the undeveloped Sinn Féin party. The uprising was expected to be expansive all through the country, however attributable to a series of disasters, it was just conceivable in Dublin. In the wake of learning of the a
anged uprising, the English detained Irish Conservative Sir Roger Casement around Ke
y on April 21 for giving weapons to the radicals.
Thus, Eoin MacNeill, the commandant of the Ireland Members, renounced the renegades'...

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