Write a report on contributing to health and safety initiatives. Illustrate your report with an example of a health and safety measure or initiative; for example, managing the health and safety of workers exposed to asbestos, or the introduction of a program designed to educate workers about alcohol intake. You might need to access the health and safety acts and regulations for your jurisdiction, which are available from the regulator's website. In addition, the guides to the act and the regulations will provide information in an easier to understand format.
The report needs to describe the processes used to implement and manage workplace health and wellbeing measures and initiatives including:
· monitoring and health assessments
· workplace consultation
· development and planning
· implementation
· evaluation
The report needs to address the following questions:
1. How would you access sources of information and data on worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives and communicate findings to individuals and parties?
2. What health monitoring processes are required by legislation for the workplace?
3. Has the need for additional monitoring been established through hazard identification and if so what are they?
4. What strategies could be used to ensure consultation with individuals and parties to assist with identifying and evaluating factors impacting on worker health and wellbeing?
5. How would you consult with individuals and parties to assist with determining appropriate measures and initiatives to address these factors?
6. Describe the process for developing and planning of worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives, including identifying resourcing requirements, timelines and responsibilities.
7. What strategies would be used to implement worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives, including assisting with timetabling, liaison and coordination, administering resources and communications?
8. How would you determine the appropriate means to review and evaluate worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives?
9. When assisting with review and evaluation activities, preparing reports and communicating evaluation outcomes, what information needs to be shared?
10. Explain why the health and safety consultation and participation processes can encourage the involvement of individuals and other parties in all aspects of worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives.
11. How would you apply knowledge of health and safety legislation, other legal requirements, and workplace policies and processes to help ensure worker health and wellbeing measures and initiatives comply with these requirements?