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1. Write a bash script that will accept a list of files on the command line and append each file to a new file. The name of the new file should be created from the first characters of the input files....

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1. Write a bash script that will accept a list of files on the command line and append each file to a new file. The name of the new file should be created from the first characters of the input files. For example, if the input files are a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt then the new file should be abc.txt
2. Write a bash script that will accept the full path of a directory on the command line, and then remove that directory from the PATH variable. Be sure to check your PATH variable after the command has executed to make sure the change was completed.
3. Write a bash script that will accept the full path of a directory on the command line, and then add that directory AND all of its subdirectories to the PATH variable. Be sure to check your PATH variable after the command has executed to make sure the change was completed.
4. Write a bash script that will display a count of the number of directories in your PATH variable.
5. Write a bash script that will display a count of the number of your environment variables that begin with an upper case character (A through Z).
Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2021


Ria answered on Jun 07 2021
148 Votes
# Write a bash script that will accept a list of files on the command line
# and append each file to a new file. The name of the new file should be
# created from the first characters of the input files. For example, if
# the input files are a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt then the new file should be
# abc.txt
# initialize with no name
# repeat a loop for each text file
for f in "$@"
    # concatenate each file name
    file+=`echo $f | cut -f1 -d'.'`
# name the extension
# remove file if exists
m -f $file
# repeat a loop for each text file
for f in "$@"
    # append the contents from each file
    cat $f
# Write a bash script that will accept the full path of a directory on the
# command line, and then remove that directory from the PATH variable.
# Be sure to check your PATH variable after the command has executed to
# make sure the change was completed.
# check the full path of directory exist or not
if [ -e $1 ]
    # whether...

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