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1) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech. o Topic A: Elevator Pitch | Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential...

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1) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech. o Topic A: Elevator Pitch | Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job interview. o Topic B: Dream Career | Discuss your dream career. 2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word. o Download the Microsoft Word template in the “Assignment 1.1” section located in Week 2 of your course. o Focus your speech on 2-3 main points so you'll stay within the 2-minute time limit. 3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from your speech/self-review). 4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only required to submit an outline
Answered Same Day Jul 20, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jul 20 2021
155 Votes
Running head: DREAM CAREER
Dream Caree
Student Name
Professor Brazil
Dream Caree
I. Introduction
A) Job is not equal to the money for a dynamic worker. Instead for the real worker Money or Salary is the solution of others problems and the happiness, which comes on their face after the solution. A perfect Job should be as if I have the power in my hand or in mind for the solution of almost every problem in the field, which I am specialized.
B) I love travelling and exploring new places; my dream job is to become a professional traveler.
C) Ma et al. have discussed that vigorous studies and frequent travelling to different parts of the world will give me a vast experience and can really make me a person who can make a difference.
II. Body
1. Many people dream of travelling the world and making a difference but few actually do it.
a. One of the most important things is to have a good education and some savings to back me up. Joining a charitable organization is never a bad way to go about it.
. However, as argued by Fry and Bloyce, alternatively we...

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