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1. Review theChapter 6 PowerPoint PresentationDownload Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation. 2. Prepare your subdirectories and CSS: o Create a subdirectory called ch06 in your htdocs directory. o Within...

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1. Review theChapter 6 PowerPoint PresentationDownload Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation.

2. Prepare your subdirectories and CSS:

o Create a subdirectory called ch06 in your htdocs directory.

o Within the ch06 subdirectory, create a subdirectory called css.

o Within the ch06 subdirectory, create a subdirectory called js.

o Download the form.css file and save it in the css subdirectory.

3. Read and complete Chapter 6 in the Modern JavaScript Develop and Design Textbook. After completion, you should have created the employee.html, event.html, tasks.html, today.html, employees.js, event.js, tasks.js, task2.js and today.js files.

o Save the .html files in the ch06 subdirectory.

o Save the .js files in the js subdirectory.

4. Preview the .html files in your browser and correct errors as needed.

5. Validate the .html files at the w3c validator service and correct any remaining errors as needed. Be sure that the files pass validation without errors. Warnings are okay. Correct versions of the files will be posted in the Week4: JavaScript Chapter 6, Chapter 7 Problems, Questions, Answers Discussion Board for you to compare with your versions.

6. Perform the 4 tests below.

Test 1
Open the today.html file in your browser and verify that it displays the current date according to your pc. Review the code in the today.js file as explained on pages 178 and 179 in your textbook paying particular attention to how the message variable was constructed.

Test 2
Open the event.html file in your browser and enter the Start date and End date and click on submit. Review the code in the event.js file as explained on pages XXXXXXXXXXin your textbook paying particular attention to how the interval between the dates was calculated.

Test 3
Open the tasks.html file and enter several items in the To Do list. Review the code in the task.js file and also the tasks2.js file. Pay particular attention to the code sections that are the same and the code sections that are different. You may want to print them out and compare them side by side. You may want to save the tasks.html file as task2.html and link it to the tasks2.js file and be sure that the tasks.html file is linked to the tasks.js file so that you can see how they differ in terms of operation. The tasks.js file and tasks2.js file as described on pages XXXXXXXXXXare the most useful files for completing Assignment 3, Temperatures related to Chapter 06.

Test 4
Open the employees.html file in your browser and enter the employee information and select the Department. Review the code in the employees.js file paying particular attention to how the employee object was created as noted on pages 214 and 215 in your textbook.


1. Download theTemperatures Assignment (temperatures.pdf)Download Temperatures Assignment (temperatures.pdf).

2. Review the most helpful resources for completing this assignment. These includethe today.html, today.js, event.html, event.js, tasks.html, tasks2.js, and employee.html and employee.js files from Chapter 6.

o You will also need to retrieve the current date from your system hint: new Date(), and use some date methods shown in Chapter 6 on Page 176 TABLE 6.1.

o You will likely need to use the parseFloat() function to convert any temperature that you retrieve from an array into a floating number that can be added to a sum needed for calculating an average.

3. Create an HTML form named temps.html and a JavaScript file named temps.js as described in the Temperatures Assignment.

4. Submit the files when you are finished.


This assignment will help you to evaluate your ability to create and debug an HTML file and JavaScript file that make a working web application. You demonstrate your ability to properly name and declare JavaScript variables and assign values to variables in JavaScript. You also demonstrate your ability to perform mathematical calculations and manipulate strings of text in JavaScript. You demonstrate your ability to create functions, use built-in Math functions, and use the Date and Array objects.

Answered 3 days After Sep 20, 2021


Amit Kumar answered on Sep 24 2021
141 Votes
.title {
position: relative;
bottom: 36px;
background: #fff;
width: fit-content;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-weight: 600;
border-radius: 0 !important;
.btn {
left: 33%;
font-weight: 600;
position: relative;
border-radius: 0;
.table-borderless>:not(caption)>*>* {
width: 30%;

Average Low Temperatures and High Temperatures

Low Temperatures

High Temperatures

Add the temperatures!

values = [];
var date = new Date();
var low = document.getElementById("lowTemperatures");
var high =...

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