1). Read both of Poe's poems,Sonnet to Science & Romance
2). Read the articlePoe's Quintessential Romantic(see Weekly Reading Modules)
3).Formulate a thesis, for examples:
- Remember, in Day 1, I introduced the concept of constucting a thesis.
Examples of theses:
- "Four stages of life is represented in Poe's tale,The Bells".
- "Romantics value creativity and youth but hate science, old age and adult life.
- "There is life on Mars".
"The narrator in Poe's tale theBlack Catis mentally ill".
"Roderick is Depressed".
Think about it this way:
When you want to formulate a thesis attempt to pose aquestion first.
Example of a Question:
“What is Romanceaccording to the Romantic Tradition in the poems,Romance and Sonnet to Science?"
Answer in the form of athesis:
"Romantics love nature, leisure and youth"
Then use the poems & the article,Poe’s Quintessential Romanticto prove your thesis right.
4). Prove your thesis in the ensuing 3 paragraphs by presenting evidence from yourprimary source(Poe) AND after presenting evidence fromsecondary source(s)(Quintessential Romantic article)
a). The essay should be exactly 4 paragraphs.
b).In paragraphs 2,3,4 when presenting evidence from yourprimary and secondary sourcethe paragraph should read like this:
- Topic Sentencereminds the reader of the thesis topic and contains a sub-topic that you prove in the rest of the paragraph.
Example of aTopic Sentence:
- Romantics love nature because it’s a place to learn.
c).Introduce the quoteby telling the reader what the quote stays in your own words.
d).Present the quotefrom primary source. For example:
- "Among the green leaves as they shake / Far down within some shadowy lake / To me a painted paroquet / Hath been--a most familiar bird— / Taught me my alphabet to say— / To lisp my very earliest word / While in the wild wood I did lie / A child—a most knowing eye". (Poe, Lines 3-10).
e).Comment upon the quotewith a list examples. For example:
- Re-read the quoteandfind 3 examples relevant to yourthesis (topic)AND (sub-topic)ANDthrow it back to the reader.
f). Now incorporate secondary source(s) to eithersupport or counter argueyour topic sentence's discussion. For examples:
- Support– “James Taylor in his essay (title of essay) agrees that the narrator is mentally ill”.
- Counter argument– “Erika Johnson in her review (title of review) argues that (tell us what she argues in 2 short sentences); however, what she fails to take into consideration is…”