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1. please refer to assignment-1 trade me analysis.and after that refer ass-1b and 2 stakeholder analysis so will get an idea what our company is.2. after that refer to the 1st document namely #3 year...

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1. please refer to assignment-1 trade me analysis.and after that refer ass-1b and 2 stakeholder analysis so will get an idea what our company is.2. after that refer to the 1st document namely #3 year outline which shows the rubric what exactly should come in this part.3. after that refer 2nd doc. namely #SM 3 outline to know what we have done so far, what are our mission vision and goals.#Basically, you will take the goals as shown in sm 3 outline and write down "Which are will execute the strategy the most", then, "What will be the achievements by executing the strategy", finally, "what is the stakeholder's wider issue is the most approached or responded by the strategy executed"4. if u want to look at the structure i have attached the structure namely #structure should be like. if u can make the better structure than that u can. but it should not out of the key points.please try to have upto 1900 words excluding referencesand please make sure add some important references also not only
Answered Same Day Jul 19, 2020 CX770020


Sundeep answered on Jul 20 2020
144 Votes
Three-year strategic outline
TradeMe is a firm which has its own set of Target Market and is a well-established entity in the New Zealand country with loyalty among its customers and the market share holders. TradeMe is one of the best organizations available in trustworthiness and value for money. The organization has a set of predefined rules and regulations which prioritize the customers and the employees of the company more than the management. It is the market leader in the e-commerce platform of selling with 47% market share and is closely followed by the competitor with 42% market share. There is a threat of new entrants but the loyalty customers should suffice for sometime. The platform has to develop a point of differentiation for its customers to remain loyal to the organization else TradeMe would lose the market share to the biggies such as Amazon, Ebay and Facebook in the online market. This report has been made in accordance to the strategic plan that the organization has to make to remain the Market Leader.
1    Technological Innovation (Product & Technology)
In today’s world technology has been rapidly changing and the buying and selling of stuff has changed from retail to desktop, to laptop, to tablet and now on mobile. The mobile technology has replaced online shopping on laptop. The main area we focus here is the research and development in the Technology innovation.( Qin, Z., Chang, Y., Li, S., & Li, F. (2014). )
- Area of addressing:
The things we could consider are:
1. Developing an online application for the mobile users for quicker ordering, replacement query, Shipping and Tracking and urgent one day delivery to gain a competitive advantage over the major e-sellers such as Ebay and Facebook
2. Developing the live tracking status and change of delivery location (one time) to give the flexibility to the customer to get the product where they are available
3. Offline tracking to enable customers who aren’t available online to get live status of their orde
- Achievement:
This would enable TradeMe to gain competitive advantage and would help the organization to maintain the market share and increase it till 50%. Customers want simplification and this step would provide flexibility in ordering and tracking. The offline users would be more than happy and would be a step closer to becoming loyal customers(Chen, J. E., Pan, S. L., & Ouyang, T. H. (2014).)
- Key issues:
No major key issues since the technology providers are available at mass and also in-house developers can be appointed to generate flexibility whenever required and develop optimization plans
2    Better the engagement with the customers
- Area of addressing:
Customer service is one of the better things that Amazon does than other e-sellers. Customer engagement can be increased by cross selling and making the product available on EMI. This gives the user flexibility in ordering the products and also gives the user a wide variety of choices in determining the product to be used. Engaging customers in better offers would make the customers come again to the website.
- Achievement:
The company would benefit by getting more business not only from the buyers but also from the sellers. We have to take in consideration that the business has 2 sets of customers. The sellers of the products are the customers of TradeMe and the buyers too are the customers of Trademe. The sellers have to be given enough incentive to make them...

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