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Time Series Analysis The dataset you will analyse in this assignment represents the changes in the closing price of a share in ASX available (Please note that the dataset is composed of 144...

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Time Series Analysis
The dataset you will analyse in this assignment represents the changes in the closing price of a share in ASX available (Please note that the dataset is composed of 144 observations out of a possible 252 trading days in a year and all the points are collected in the same year and on consecutive trading days). You will work with following tasks:
· Find the best fitting model among the linear, quadratic, cosine, cyclical or seasonal trend models (covered in Module 2) by implementing the model building strategy.
· Give the predictions for the next 5 observations using the best model you find.
· Prepare a report that includes proper sections such as Introduction, Conclusion, Appendix and a chapter for the tasks. The structure of the report is up to you as long as it is a well-structured and neat report. The report expected here is not a short business report or not an essay. 
· 1. Present time series in an informative way, both graphically and with summary statistics.
· 2. Estimate model parameters and compare different models developed for the same dataset in terms of their estimation and prediction accuracy.
· 3. Prepare both oral and written reports to present results of time-series analyses.
Written Report format:
1. writing a report with the expected structure. Specifically, "Science Report"

Answered 1 days After Mar 25, 2022


Suraj answered on Mar 27 2022
112 Votes
Time Series Analysis
Time Series Analysis
In this project we are analyzing the data set represents the changes in the closing price of a share in ASX available. The data set consist of data for 144 days. This is a project based on the time-series analyses in statistics.
There are various time series models are available like linear trend, exponential, quadratic, cosine, cyclic trend and seasonal trend.
The aim of this project is to analyze the pattern of the closing price of the shares of ASX and make predictions for the future values.
First of all, we will calculate the descriptive statistics for the closing price of the ASX shares. The descriptive statistics table is given as follows:
The average closing price in 144 days is $75.41 and the minimum value for a single day is $15.47 and the maximum value is $95.48 for a single day. 50% of the closing price for ASX are less than $81.25.
Now the next task is to visually analyze the pattern of the closing price. The time series plot is given as follows:
From the above graph, the trend is not looking linear also not cosine. There is no seasonal pattern and cyclic pattern observing in the data. Hence, it...

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