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1. Kingdom Theology Begin developing an initial theology of the Kingdom of God and contrast the Kingdom of Heaven. General Instructions An important part of Jesus’ message concerned the Kingdom....

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1. Kingdom Theology
Begin developing an initial theology of the Kingdom of God and contrast the Kingdom of Heaven.

General Instructions

An important part of Jesus’ message concerned the Kingdom. Consider for a moment, however, that there may be a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, a phrase unique to Matthew’s gospel. What did Jesus mean, and how does this affect our understanding of the Bible?

According to Chafer in Systematic Theology, the Kingdom of God refers to “the sphere of God’s rule in the universe … manifested in political governments and their rulers [and in] a spiritual government, in which God rules in the hearts of men” (pp XXXXXXXXXXBaker of the New Testament Commentarynotes that the Kingdom of Heaven referred to by Matthew is not a kingdom in heaven but a kingdom originating from the heavens and ruling over the earth, the Messianic rule of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, referred to often in Old Testament prophecy.

Your task is to begin theologizing about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. To begin, interview various people to learn what they mean by the phrases Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven. Note that some persons will have well developed theologies, while others’ theologies will not be developed and will be more-or-less unstructured and without foundation (i.e., anecdotal theologies). In the interview, identify that which appears to be developed theologies from that which appears to be anecdotal theologies.

To receive full credit, be sure to do the following.

  • Interview two instructors or pastors not facilitating this course.

Interview three students or collegiate peers n

2. Bible & Theology Knowledge
List knowledge of assigned parts of the Bible and theology.

General Instructions

The knowledge a person already has forms the basis for continued learning. Identifying your knowledge base clarifies when you are confronted with new knowledge and the need to add meaning to it, and then to apply it in some way. You will clearly see yourself grow because you will know where you began.

This exercise requires you to identify what you know about various Bible categories and how you apply the knowledge. Without referencing any Bibles or other texts, complete the matrices titled BIBLE KNOWLEDGE and THEOLOGICAL GRID. For example, in the BIBLE KNOWLEDGE MATRIX, the far left column contains the Bible categories. In the second column from the left, “Related Bible Passages,” add specific Scriptures from the Gospels you can recall. In the middle column, “Related Theology,” add what you understand about this truth. In the column titled “Associated Beliefs,” insert personal beliefs elicited by the passage. In the far right column, “Resulting Behaviors,” describe how the passage affects how you behave, i.e., how you live and act. Do the same for the THEOLOGICAL GRID, this time focusing on how you approach and understand the Bible. This will help you to identify your basic assumptions as you study Scripture.

To receive full credit, be sure to do the following: Complete all cells. Be thorough. Be clear. The exercise should result in 1-11/2pages.

Online Instructions

Access the matrix in the section titled Workshop One Supplementals. Submit your exercise to your facilitator as an attachment to the drop box titled Knowledge Exercise
Answered Same Day Dec 25, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 25 2021
114 Votes
1. Kingdom Theology
Interviews Kingdom of God Kingdom of Heaven
Instructor 1 According to David Wells, The
term kingdom of God is imperative
or an appropriate comprehension of
Christ as well as the recovery that
he finished i.e kingdom of God is a
substantial scriptural class.
The kingdom of heaven
esembles treasure covered up
in a field. At the point when a
man discovered it, he
concealed it once more, and
after that in his bliss went and
sold all he had and purchased
that field.
Also, the kingdom of heaven
esembles a vendor searching
for fine pearls. When he
discovered one of incredible
value, he left and sold all that
he had and gotten it.
Instructor 2 According to Adolf von Harnack,
Kingdom of God stops by going to
the person, by entering into his
spirit and laying hold of it.
Genuine, the kingdom of God is
mainly the rule of God; however it
is the govern of the heavenly God
in the hearts of people; it is God
himself in his energy
Kingdom of heaven has the
triumphant power inside itself.
We don't make the kingdom
yet the kingdom makes us. It is
in showing love with each
Pastor - 1 As per pastor, Jesus said that the
kingdom of God does not
accompany perception. The
kingdom of God lies within us. The
criticalness of this is it flags a
eclamation— the potential for
every devotee—reestablishing
something of the "rulership"
(domain) initially proposed for
mankind. The Holy Spirit is the
Person and the power by which
help and ability are given for
serving, for sharing the life and
force of God's Kingdom with
According to Pastor, when a
mother’s three years old child
is suffering from severe flu and
doctor told that the child will
not survive then the mother
doesn’t give up. She take care
of her child with pure love.
After five days, doctor told her
that child is much better. This
is because love is much
stronger than death. It implies
that mother’s pure love and
care is equivalent to kingdom
of heaven.
Pastor - 2 According to Ladd, the KINGDOM
OF GOD is the Rule of God (the
age to come) which has attacked
the kingdom (govern) of Satan (this
It is the reign of God
powerfully dynamic in
mankind's history through
Jesus Christ, the motivation
present shrewdness age), and is the
field in which Signs and Wonders
happen. They are...

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