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1. Introduction 2. Project Objective 3. Project Scope 4. Literature Review (Students’ needs to summarise Assignment 1 literature review (2-3 pages) and justification from Assignment 1 literature...

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1. Introduction 2. Project Objective 3. Project Scope 4. Literature Review (Students’ needs to summarise Assignment 1 literature review (2-3 pages) and justification from Assignment 1 literature problems, gaps opportunities, Hypothesis) 5. Research Questions/Hypothesis - Primary Question (only one question) - Secondary Questions (1, 2 ….) Research questions should be linked to Literature Problems, Gaps, and Hypothesis 6. Research Design and Methodology - Qualitative research (Students should propose the Process of the Qualitative Research (Main Steps), Approaches to reliability and Validity, Sampling, Sample Size, Data Collection Method, Variables Specifications) - Quantitative research (Students should propose the process of the Quantitative Research Design Process (Main Steps), Research Instrument, Quantitative Data Analysis Process, Sampling and Simple Size, Interviewing and Questionary Design, Reliability and Validity of Data) 7. Research Limitations 8. Time Schedule (Research plan) 9. Conclusion 10. Reference List 11. Appendix NOTE: Students are not with requirements to collect and analyse data

Answered Same Day May 25, 2020 HI6008


Akansha answered on May 26 2020
157 Votes
SCOPE    3
LITERATURE Review    3
GANTT Chart:    11
Strong competition for advanced skills and intellects in countries across the world has led to a renewed quest for foreign degrees and certifications. As a result, countries of higher ranking in education have become choice destinations of students aspiring to improve their educational competitiveness.
The Australian education system prides itself as one of the world’s leading education destination, with Australian universities being among the world’s first 100th universities in academic ranking.
This somewhat excellence in education combined with the economic viability of the country, has in turn attracted students from other countries to the country. These students from all over the globe, sometimes with native languages different from that of Australia(English) are faced with several challenges in the course of their application, a
ival and subsequent period of study in Australia.
This paper looks at the challenges as well as opportunities for international students in Australia, using Holmes Institute as a primary case study. This paper focuses on the challenges associated with language difficulties, cultural stress, financial challenges, perceived discrimination as well as the socio-economic opportunities of being an international student in Australia.
This research aims to
ing to bear the opportunities and challenges associated with studying in Australia as an international student. It looks at areas that have hitherto not been effectively discussed in the public domain. Furthermore, this work aims to reflect on the socio-economic benefits accruable to students in Australia as relates to healthcare, jobs, recreation, etc. This paper furthermore, hopes to aggregate data through surveys and questionnaires to understand the several challenges faced by International students in Holmes institute with the view of Juxtaposing that with the external records and making appropriate recommendations to the Institute. It aims to develop a model that will effectively attract International students to Holmes Institute by eliminating or devising a means to reduce such challenges as generally faced by international students in their colleges.
The scope of this research work includes but is not limited to students studying in Holmes Institute. It reflects generally on the students in Australia while streamlining particularly to Holmes institute.
Due to the contemporary trends of globalization, the population of foreign students in various developed countries has been on a sporadic increase. Tertiary institutions most especially in western countries are now composed of students of diverse cultural and social background than ever before (Ca
oll et al, 2007).
It has been known that foreign students contribute largely to the economic wellbeing of their host countries through school fees and living expenses. As at 2008, the worldwide value of international students stood at about 3.3million, with the U.SA taking a chunk of 19% of the value while the United Kingdom and Australia make up 10% and 7% respectively(OECD,2010). The financial and economic contribution of international students cannot be overemphasized, Australian Education International in 2010 reported a revenue of about $19billion(USD) to the Australian economy accrued from international students.
While it can be said to be generally beneficial to both international students and their host countries, students are usually faced with very challenging difficulties on a
ival and during the cause of their study. Be
y (2006), argues that travelling overseas with the aim of studying is inherently laden with challenges, and cites these challenges to include majorly acculturative stress. These stresses which are normally associated with the difficulties in integrating and settling into the new culture, can be a threat to international students’ ability to “hit the ground running” in their academics.
Many international students are equally prone to initial starvation o
and malnutrition as they find it difficult to cope with the readily available staple foods of their home countries; this leads to a sense of food insecurity as students resort to junk foods to supply their daily energy needs not putting into consideration the health and nutritional effects of such foods. Maroto et al (2009) argue that food insecure students are more likely to score lower in their assessments with data suggesting food insecurity to being one of the most prevalent issues of foreign students.
Amidst all the above-mentioned challenges, international students in Australia can be said to have a whole lot of opportunities open to them during the cause of their study as well as on completion of their study. As at Fe
uary 2018, the population of international students in Australia stood at over 500,000 with China (31%), India(12%), Nepal(5%), Malaysia(4%) and Vietnam(4%) respectively(Department of Education and Training, 2018).
Although Mazzarol and soutar(2001) argue that the decision to travel overseas for study purpose is usually a family affair involving family consultations and deliberations with parents being major decision makers for undergraduates’ choice of country, Student’s choice of country in which to migrate for study purposes is mostly influenced by the country’s international profile and reputation(Kinnel, 1989).This has unarguably influenced the choice of Australia by many...

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