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1. Identify the recent developments in technology affecting business and propelling globalization. What problems/challenges have arisen regarding use of the Internet for the global business...

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1. Identify the recent developments in technology affecting business and propelling globalization. What problems/challenges have arisen regarding use of the Internet for the global business environment and what probable solutions can you suggest? 200 words

2. How could a multinational company’s poor adaptation to the cultural environment of a nation lead to the company’s failure in management? Provide suggestions for ways to prevent the failure. 200 words

3.The operations of multinational managers are made complex given the diverse cultural environments in which they operate. Discuss the three diagnostic models available to help the multinational manager. What impacts would these have on your management operations?200 words

4. How can Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) help in reducing trade barriers and in improving global economy? What roles can multinationals play to further the objectives of RTAs?200 words

Answered Same Day Jul 05, 2020


M answered on Jul 08 2020
152 Votes
Multinational Company Management
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Answer 1
    Incessant development in the field of technology has no doubt eased and changed the way of life people live. Babel fish ea
uds are a new technological development which cuts language ba
iers. It translates a language into another as the voice is being inputted (MIT, 2018). Artificial Intelligence in the world of commerce is making its way at a fast pace. It has become a buzzword, setting trend in online retail, AI-powered marketing tools thrive in business, taking a haul of development in the modern world (Kelleher, 2017). These are some recent developments worth mentioning, which affects the world of business, making it easier, reachable to people across nations and propels globalization. As a whole, it makes life easier and more advanced.
    E-commerce has been successful due to its direct link to customers with the business tearing down geographical ba
iers. Multinational organizations use this method effectively in a lot of ways to exchange services and ca
y out operations virtually. Lack of computer expertise, the issue of security rights, copyrights, difficulty in developing relationships may be some challenges that the business organization can face. In order to tackle or prevent these, a skilful and well-coordinated team is needed to be developed within the organization. It basically calls for specialization in certain skill sets like proficiency in handling internet, managing relationships, proper and conducive rights for usage etc.
Answer 2
The study of culture cannot be separated from the career of individuals and organizational goals (Gjuraj, 2013). According to Osland (1990) as cited by Study Moose (2016), ‘the single greatest ba
ier to business success is the one erected by culture’. The...

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