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1. How does the "Balanced and Restorative Justice' philosophy different from the current philosophy of the United States? 2. What does "Balanced" mean in "Balanced and Restorative Justice? 3. What are...

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1. How does the "Balanced and Restorative Justice' philosophy different from the current philosophy of the United States?

2. What does "Balanced" mean in "Balanced and Restorative Justice?

3. What are the three pillars (3 legs of a stool) of restorative justice and why are they important?

4. What are the benefits of restorative justice to the community? For the victim? For the individual perpetrator.

5. Describe one country in the world or one program that is being used (in the United States or abroad) that currently employs a Restorative Justice philosophy. Hint: Types of U.S. programs are listed in the PDF

Answered Same Day May 31, 2021


Swati answered on Jun 01 2021
145 Votes
Q1- How does the "Balanced and Restorative Justice' philosophy different from the cu
ent philosophy of the United States?
A1- Balanced and restorative justice emphasizes more on the process of rehabilitation, safer community, satisfied victim and individual perpetrator acknowledgement as well as accountability not just punishment and isolation from community making it different from the cu
ent US philosophy that focused on giving punishment.
Q2. What does "Balanced" mean in "Balanced and Restorative Justice?
A2-Balanced stands for acknowledging accountability for one’s actions in “Balanced and Restorative Justice” with the main focus on rehabilitation....

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