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1. Explore the current literature on the validity of using personality profiling in organisations to improve morale. or 2. Discuss how perceptual errors, attributions and biases are important in...

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1. Explore the current literature on the validity of using personality profiling in organisations to improve morale.


2. Discuss how perceptual errors, attributions and biases are important in managerial decisions.

The recommendations and conclusions should provide practical implications and recommendations for an organisational audience (either frontline Management, HR Management, or Senior Management).

FYI: I will use the criteria sheet below to provide you with a score against each criteria – so be sure to address each criteria appropriately.




1. Discussion of appropriate literature associated with the question of choice.


2. Practical application of theories to workplace for managers.


3. Convincing (three) recommendations and conclusions drawn.


4. Quality of presentation including clarity of expression, professionalism of layout and formatting, grammar and spelling.




Answered Same Day May 06, 2020


Karan answered on May 09 2020
159 Votes
Explore the cu
ent literature on the validity of using personality profiling in organisations to improve morale
Table of Contents
1) Introduction    1
2) Morale    1
3) Explain personality in details    1
4) Theories of personality Testing    2
4.1 What is Jungian Theory    2
4.1.2 MBTI as personality profiling tool    3
5) What is personality profiling?    4
6) Validity of personality testing in increasing morale    5
7) Recommendations    5
8) Conclusion    6
1) Introduction
Personality is mainly defined as the set of emotional patterns, habitual behaviors and the cognition that mainly evolve from the environmental and the biological factors. Further, it reflects the tendency of the individual to feel, act in a particular way. It is a well known fact that personality of every individual differs from each other and the businesses focuses on understanding the personality of its employees so as to gain deep understanding of their behavior and other form of traits that are most important (Wright and Chin, 2016).
Personality is important as it assists a lot in knowing the overall behavior of the individual within the workplace and it sometime reflects whether the particular individual is satisfied with the work or not (Caliendo, Fossen and Kritikos, 2014). It is used for improving organization as development of the personality of every employee enhances their contribution in the business affairs and they can operate with full energy.
2) Morale
Morale is regarded as the confidence and the discipline of the person. Further, in order to conduct the business operations in most effective manner morale within the employees is needed (Wahab, Sinnadurai and Mohd, 2017). Further, it helps in knowing the real ability of the employee to conduct overall operations. Through morale it is possible for the management to know whether particular employee is confident about the work assigned or not.
3) Explain personality in details
Personality is considered to be most important in any organization as it helps in knowing about the actual behavior of the employees along with the emotional patterns. Further, by knowing the actual personality of the staff members it becomes possible for the management to know their actual behavior like their working style, how they will be able to manage complex and critical situations etc. Personality directly influences behavior within the workplace. Moreover, within the workplace different personalities are present and on the basis of this every individual works differently as compared with others (The HR department, 2015).
Understanding the personality of the staff members is useful for organization like in case if any individual is creative then in such case organization can motivate that particular employee to indulge into the creative ideas and providing different form of solutions within the workplace for the growth and the betterment of the company. By knowing the real personality of the team members the organizations can develop efficient teams like they can align all the employees who can efficiently work with each other and in turn this will contribute a lot in the accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives in the best possible manner. Different form of personalities are present such as introvert, extrovert etc. For instance if any individual is of outgoing personality then in such case they can deliver remarkable customer service and in turn they can easily boost the attitude of other staff members also for working in the favor of organizational goals (Payne, 2014).
By knowing the overall personality of the employee it becomes easier for the companies to understand what tactics must be adopted for managing employees and how best utilization of the personality can be done for enhancing the overall performance of the business in the overall market. Therefore, this is the real significance of personality and its usefulness to the organizations.
4) Theories of personality Testing
4.1 What is Jungian Theory
For understanding the concept of personality the theory of psychological type developed by Carl G. Jung is considered to be highly effective where it has been identified that what appears to be the actual behavior is actually the outcome of the differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities. The author has mainly identified that people engage into two form of mental function. One function is linked with taking in information which is regarded as perceiving and second one is organizing information and coming to valid conclusion (Wahab, Sinnadurai and Mohd, 2017).
Further, Jung identified that people prefer to ca
y function in one way that is mainly called as preference. As per Jung every individual takes information and makes decision on the basis of same but some individuals focuses on taking in information and this is called as perceiving. Jung also identified that some people are more energetic due to the external world or the internal one and it totally depends on the preferences of the individual. In the year 1921 Jung introduced the different physiological types and it was identified that every person has a physiological type.
Profiling is mainly conducted within the companies so as to know the real strength of the present employees and on the basis of this management is able to work on the development of the effective teams that creates...

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