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1. Examine the job descriptions that are used in the "Eastern Provincial University" case on page 468 in the Appendix. What are the strengths and weaknesses? What would you change about them? Note,...

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1. Examine the job descriptions that are used in the "Eastern Provincial University" case on page 468 in the Appendix. What are the strengths and weaknesses? What would you change about them? Note, you can group like jobs. 2. Using the point method and the four basic factor categories, develop a job evaluation system for the "Eastern Provincial University' case on page 468 in the Appendix. Then apply your system to the different jobs to derive a single hierarchy of jobs. Summarize this information in a table similar to Table XXXXXXXXXXAfter completing above question, apply the procedures required under the Ontario Pay Equity Act to determine whether pay equity exists for the female job classes at Eastern Provincial University. The following are the annual salaries in the four job classes (as of 2012):Clerk Steno 1: $36341; 2: $47379 3: $69057 (job class 95% female)Draftsperson 1: $41,179; 2: $47379; 3: $58522 (job class 80 percent male)Grounds Worker 1: $29721; 2: $36341; 3: $ XXXXXXXXXXjob class 85 percent male)Medical Laboratory Technologist 1: $47379, 2: $58522 (job class 90 percent female)
Answered Same Day Mar 20, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Mar 21 2020
159 Votes
Human Resource Management
Assessment of Job descriptions
(Eastern Provincial University Case)
Student Name:________________
The assessment examines the job descriptions of Eastern Provincial University and elaborates their strengths and weaknesses. The study evaluates different jobs by using job evaluation system and point method. The report applies the procedures of Ontario Pay Equity Act to find out the compensable factors for the four job categories in university on the basis of four levels and calculates the points and GS Grade for each job in hierarchy. Each factors being assigned a degree 1-4, where 1 is the lowest category. At last the study assesses the implementation of Ontario Pay Equity Act for female jobs at the university.
Keywords: Job, descriptions, point method, Equity Act, scale, Hierarchy.
Table of Contents
1. Abstract                            2
2. Table of Contents                        3
3. Introduction                            4
4. Strength & Weakness of Job categories            4
5. Development of Job Evaluation System            5
6. Ontario Pay Equity Act                    6
7. References                            7
Assessment of Job descriptions at Eastern Provincial University Case
Eastern Provincial University situated in Ontario Canada, provides employment to 900 professors (approx.) and about 1500 employees in the nonacademic department while enrolling more than 20,000 students at undergraduate and graduate levels. The study evaluates the job descriptions of Four main job classes in the University viz. Clerk-Stenographer I, II and III, Draftsperson I, II and III, Ground Worker I,...

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