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1 EEL 4768: Computer Architecture Project 1 ECE Department, UCF Due: Mar 26 11:59pm Project Objective: Implementing a flexible cache simulator. Rules and Regulations: 1. The work must...

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EEL 4768: Computer Architecture
Project 1
ECE Department, UCF
Due: Mar 26 11:59pm
Project Objective:
Implementing a flexible cache simulator.
Rules and Regulations:
1. The work must be done individually.
2. Any form of cheating and plagiarism such as sharing of your code or using an available code is
eported to the school for consequences and results in getting zero.
3. You can communicate with the instructor and the TA through WebCourses regarding you
4. You can use any high-level programming language for implementation (prefe
ed C).
5. Implement your simulator in either Windows or Linux environment.
6. Your project report should be comprehensive and include the demanded results and thei
esponding analyses and discussion.
7. Your simulator outputs should nearly match the reference outputs.
8. All your source codes along with the executable file must be delivered.
9. It is recommended to create a “Makefile” or the compilation command you used.
10. The configurations must be passed to your executable as “arguments”.
11. You will be provided with traces of memory access for different applications.
Project Description:
In this project, you need to implement a simple cache simulator that takes as an input the
configurations of the cache to simulate, such as: size, associativity and replacement policy.
When you run you simulator, you need to additionally provide the path of the trace file that
includes the memory accesses.
Your simulator will parse the trace file, which looks like:
R 0x2356257
W 0x257777
Each line consists of two parts, the operation type (read or write) and byte address in hexadecimal.
After reading each line, the simulator will simulate the impact of that access on the cache state,
e.g., the LRU state of the accessed set and the cu
ent valid blocks in the set. Your simulator needs
to maintain information such as hits, misses and other useful statistics throughout the whole run.
In this project, you need to implement two different cache replacement policies: LRU and FIFO.
In LRU, the least-recently-used element gets evicted, whereas in FIFO, the element that was
inserted the earliest gets evicted.
Implementation hint: allocate your cache as a 2D a
ay, where each row is a set. On each item of
the a
ay keep track of information like the tag of the data in this block. You can create multiple
instances of such a 2D a
ay for different purposes; for example, you can create another 2D a
to track the LRU position of the co
esponding block in the LRU stack of the set.
Assume 64B block size for all configurations
Inputs to Simulator
The name of your executable should be SIM, and your simulator should take inputs as following:
CACHE_SIZE> is the size of the simulated cache in bytes
ASSOC> is the associativity
REPLACEMENT> replacement policy: 0 means LRU, 1 means FIFO
WB> Write-back policy: 0 means write-through, 1 means write-back
TRACE_FILE> trace file name with full path
This will simulate a 32KB write-back cache with 8-way associativity and FIFO replacement
policy. The memory trace will be read from /home/TRACES/MCF.t
Note: the trace file will contain addresses that can be for 64-bit system, so you might need data
types that are large enough to read them co
ectly and bookkeep the metadata in your simulator.
For example, if the tag is 9 bytes and you allocate your tag a
ay bookkeeping a
ay as an a
ay of
integers, you will not be able to store the whole 9 bytes; integer is only 4 bytes. Accordingly, use
data types such as long long int and its equivalents in other languages.
Output from Simulator:
The following outputs are expected from your simulator:
a. The total miss ratio for L1 cache
. The # writes to memory
c. The # reads from memory
1- (20 points) A functional code that runs cleanly, i.e., showing serious efforts to implement the
2- (40 points) Your code simulates co
ectly the sample runs we provide and all output statistics
should be within less than 0.001% e
or of our results. 2 tests will be provided along with the
configurations and the expected output. Two tests will be not be provided to you and are used to
make sure your simulator isn’t tuned for our sample tests. Each test will weigh 10%.
3- (40 points) A report that contains the following:
A- Use the MiniFE and XSBench provided traces to analyze how the miss ratio of these
workloads changes with cache size. Fix cache associativity at 4, write-back,
eplacement policy to be LRU, and vary the cache size from 8KB to 128KB in multiples
of 2, i.e., 8KB, 16KB... 128KB.
B- Similar to part A, but change write policy and compare between write-back and write-
through for each cache size by using the number of memory reads and writes.
C- Similar to part A, but instead of varying the cache size change the associativity. Fix the
eplacement policy to be LRU, cache size to be 32KB, associativity to change from 1
to 64, in multiples of 2, e.g., 1, 2, 4… 64.
D- Similar to part C, but now study the impact of replacement policy. Specifically, run the
same experiments you ran in part B, but with FIFO replacement policy, write-back,
then compare the results of part C and D to study the impact of replacement policy
changes with associativity.
In each part of your report, plot the results and explain the reasons behinds the trend and
compare the trends of MiniFE with XSBench.
Good Luck

Specifications of the project can be found here PROJECT1.pdf
1- XSBench Application Memory Trace (XSBENCH.t) webcourses \ files
2- MiniFE Application Memory Trace (MINIFE.t) webcourses \ files
A good starting point would be this code here (discussed in the class): skeleton.docx

Validation Runs:


Char op;
Long long int add;
Simulation begins
simulation ends
Print out the statistics
Long long int tag_a
Long long int lru_position[num_sets][assoc];
ool dirty[num_sets][assoc];
Void Simulate_access(char op, long long int add)
Int set = (add/64)%num_sets;
Long long int tag = add/64;
For(int i=0; i< assoc; i++)
Answered 11 days After Mar 15, 2023


Sumit Kumar answered on Mar 22 2023
43 Votes

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