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1. Communication errors are one of the leading causes of medical errors — this translates to poor patient outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased costs (Tiwary, Rimal, Paudyal, Sidgel, and...

1 answer below »
Assessment Task 2 Overview

“The safety and quality of the care provided in Australia’s health system is of utmost
importance to all patients, their families, and carers. A safe and high- quality health system
provides the most appropriate and best-value care, while keeping patients safe from
preventable harm” (AIHW, XXXXXXXXXXThe professional nurse plays a vital role in the quality
improvement of health care services. However, nurses cannot make these improvements in
isolation. They must include other professionals and ancillary personnel in their initiatives.
Total quality commitment and change initiatives also must include all levels of an organisation
You are a graduate registered nurse working on a surgical ward in a large metropolitan
hospital. As an emerging clinical leader, you have been asked by your Nurse Unit Manager to
propose a quality improvement initiative to address one (1) of the following patient safety risk
1. Communication e
ors are one of the leading causes of medical e
ors — this translates
to poor patient outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased costs (Tiwary, Rimal,
Paudyal, Sidgel, and Basnyat, 2019).

2. Human e
or form a significant portion of preventable mishaps in healthcare (Sameera,
Bindra, and Rath, XXXXXXXXXXE
ors are multifactorial and even a competent individual can
commit an e
or. Human e
ors pose a threat to patient and organisational safety.
Use the Quality Improvement Proposal template provided and respond to the following
through your proposal:

1. Identify the patient safety risk concern that you would like to address in a change
initiative. Provide a purpose, background, two (2) specific and achievable objectives and
evaluation of change concepts, inclusive of (2) specific evaluation practices for your
change initiative proposal. Use cu
ent literature to support your proposal. (500 words)

2. Stakeholder engagement is a pivotal aspect of quality improvement. Identify the main
stakeholders whom you need to engage in your change initiative proposal and critically
discuss communication strategies with the stakeholders. (350 words)

3. Identify the leadership style that you will adopt in this innovation for change. Analyse how
the two (2) specific attributes of this leadership style would benefit and guide success of
this quality improvement proposal. (300 words)

4. Identify two (2) possible ba
iers to change, one (1) individual and one (1) organisational
that you could encounter when implementing change. Critically discuss using cu
literature. (350 words)

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare XXXXXXXXXXHealth care safety and quality, AIHW,
Australian Government, accessed 10 January 2024.
Sameera, V., Bindra, A., & Rath, G. P XXXXXXXXXXHuman e
ors and their prevention in
healthcare. Journal of anaesthesiology, clinical pharmacology, 37(3), 328–335.
Tiwary, A., Rimal, A., Paudyal, B., Sigdel, K. R., & Basnyat, B XXXXXXXXXXPoor communication
y health care professionals may lead to life-threatening complications: examples from two
case reports. Welcome open research, 4, 7.
https: XXXXXXXXXX/wellcomeopenres XXXXXXXXXX
https: XXXXXXXXXX/wellcomeopenres XXXXXXXXXX
Assessment Task 2 Ru

Criteria (marks) High Distinction (HD) 100-
Distinction (D) 84-75% Credit (CR) 74-65% Pass (PA) 64-50% Fail (NN) 49-0% Fail – No attempt
Section A –Written assignment construction

5 marks
4.3 – 5 3.8 – XXXXXXXXXX – XXXXXXXXXX – 3.2 0 – 2.4 0
Quality Improvement
Proposal Template used.
Cohesive writing that has
information organised
appropriately within each
Each paragraph relates to a
discrete idea.
There are clear linking
sentences that link each
paragraph to the next.
Quality Improvement
Proposal Template used.
The writing is organised into
paragraphs, and the
information is organised
appropriately within the
Each paragraph relates to a
discrete idea.
There are clear linking
sentences that link most
paragraphs to the next.
Quality Improvement
Proposal Template used.
The writing is organised into
paragraphs, and the
information is mostly
organised appropriately
within the paragraph.
Most paragraphs relate to a
discrete idea.
There are clear linking
sentences that link most
paragraphs to the next.
Quality Improvement Proposal
Template used.
The writing is organised into
paragraphs, and the information
is somewhat organised
appropriately within the
Some paragraphs relate to a
discrete idea.
The paragraphs mostly link to
one another.
Quality Improvement Proposal
has not been followed.

There is evidence of
paragraphs, however
paragraph structure is
disorganised, with no clear
ideas, and no links to the topic
eing discussed.
No paragraphs.
The reader cannot
make sense of the
spelling and

5 Marks
4.3 – 5 3.8 – XXXXXXXXXX – XXXXXXXXXX – 3.2 0 – 2.4 0
There are no e
ors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation, and the meaning
is easily discernible.
There are minimal (1-2)
ors with grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.
However, the meaning is
easily discernible.
There are some (3-4) e
with grammar, spelling, and
punctuation. The e
detract somewhat, but the
meaning is easily
There are multiple (5-6) e
with grammar, spelling, and
punctuation. The e
ors detract,
ut the meaning is discernible
with some effort.
There are substantial (>7)
ors with grammar, spelling,
and punctuation, such that the
ors detract significantly from
the meaning.
spelling, and
punctuation are
such that the
eader cannot
make sense of the
Section B – Knowledge and application of evidence
and Critical
Thinking -
Patient safety risk
ackground, two
(2) specific and
objectives and
two (2) evaluation
of change

15 marks
Clear and concise
identification of the specific
patient safety risk concern
Clear and comprehensive
ackground of the specific
patient safety risk concern.
Two (2) objectives identified
are specific and achievable.
Two (2) evaluation of change
process identified and are
elevant to the patient safety
isk concern.
Comprehensive, concise
Clear identification of the
specific patient safety risk
concern (Purpose).
Significant and concise
ackground of the specific
patient safety risk concern.
Two (2) objectives identified
are specific and achievable.
Two (2) evaluation of
change process identified
and are relevant to the
patient safety risk concern.
Significant and concise
critical discussion that is all
Identification of the specific
patient safety risk concern
has some clarity (Purpose).
Background of the specific
patient safety risk concern
has some clarity.
Two (2) objectives identified
are somewhat specific and
Two (2) evaluation of
change process identified
and are somewhat relevant
to the patient safety risk
Identification of the specific
patient safety risk concern
lacks clarity (Purpose).
Background of the
specific patient safety
isk concern lacks
Either one (1) or both
objectives identified are
either omitted/ or not
specific and/or
Either one (1) or both of
the evaluation of change
No identification of the specific
patient safety risk concern
Background of the specific
patient safety risk concern not
Either one (1) or both
objectives of the specific
patient safety risk concern not
identified or are not
appropriate, specific and/or
Evaluation of change
processes either omitted or
No attempt
critical discussion that is all
directly relevant to the patient
safety risk concern and
supported by a wide range of
elevant and credible
directly relevant to the
patient safety risk concern
and supported by a range of
elevant and credible
Discussion is relevant to the
patient safety risk concern,
however, is descriptive
throughout and mostly
supported by relevant and
credible evidence.
processes are vague
however have some
elevance to the patient
safety risk concern.
Discussion has some
elevance to the patient
safety risk concern,
however, is descriptive
throughout and
supported by some
elevant and credible
elevant to the patient safety
isk concern.
Discussion has limited
elevance to the patient
safety risk concern and
not supported by
elevant and credible
and Critical

Identify main
stakeholders and
critically discuss
strategies with

15 marks
Clear and concise and
thorough identification of
major stakeholders.

Comprehensive and concise
critical discussion that is
elevant to stakeholder
engagement and
communication of proposed
patient safety initiative.

All arguments are supported
and justified and supported by
a wide range of relevant and
credible evidence.
Significant and concise and
thorough identification of
major stakeholders.

Significant and concise
critical discussion that is
directly relevant to
stakeholder engagement and
communication of proposed
patient safety initiative.

Most arguments are
supported and justified and
supported by a range of
elevant and credible
Identification of major
stakeholders has some

Discussion is relevant to
stakeholder engagement
and communication of
proposed patient safety
initiative; however,
discussion is descriptive
Some arguments are
supported and mostly
supported by relevant and
credible evidence
Identification of major
stakeholders lack clarity.

Discussion has some relevance
to stakeholder engagement and
communication of proposed
patient safety initiative;
however, discussion is
descriptive throughout.
Many arguments lack support
and justification and supported
y some relevant and credible
No identification of major
Discussion has limited
elevance to stakeholder
engagement and
communication of proposed
patient safety initiative.
Most arguments are not
supported and/or justified and
not supported by relevant and
credible evidence.
No attempt
Knowledge and
and Critical
Identify the
leadership style
that you will
adopt. Analyse
the attributes of
this specific
leadership style
to guide success
in the change
Clear and concise
identification of an
appropriate leadership style

Comprehensive, concise, and
critical discussion directly
elevant to the leadership
style's attributes and how
they would benefit and guide
success of the safety risk
concern initiative.

All arguments are supported
Significant and concise
identification of an
appropriate leadership style

Significant, concise, and
critical discussion directly
elevant to the leadership
style's attributes and how
they would benefit and guide
success of the safety risk
concern initiative.

Most arguments are
supported and justified and
Somewhat clear
identification of an
appropriate leadership style.

Discussion is relevant to the
attributes of the leadership
style and how they would
enefit and guide success of
the safety risk concern
initiative, however, the
discussion is descriptive
Some arguments are
supported and mostly
supported by relevant and
Identification of an appropriate
leadership style lacks clarity or
inappropriate leadership style

Discussion has some relevance
to the attributes of the
leadership style and how they
would benefit and guide
success of the safety risk
concern initiative, however, the
discussion is descriptive
Many arguments lack support
and justification and supported
Identification of an
inappropriate leadership style
and/or identification of
leadership style omitted.
Discussion is not justified and
Answered Same Day Oct 14, 2024


Dipali answered on Oct 15 2024
3 Votes
Table of contents
Quality Improvement Proposal    3
Title (Improving Patient Safety by Reducing Communication E
ors in the Surgical Ward: A Quality Improvement Proposal)    3
1. Introduction    3
2. Stakeholder Communication    5
3. Leadership Style    7
4. Ba
iers to Change    8
References    11
Quality Improvement Proposal
Title (Improving Patient Safety by Reducing Communication E
ors in the Surgical Ward: A Quality Improvement Proposal)
1. Introduction
1.1 Explanation of the Reason for this Proposal
The patient safety risk targeted in this quality improvement (QI) is communication
eakdown on the surgical ward. Miscommunication is among the leading causes of the medical mishaps that cause bad consequences among patients, prolong hospitalization, and raise the overall costs of healthcare delivery. Inadequate flow of information between care givers is one of the key reasons for such avoidable e
ors that endanger the lives of patients.
1.2 Background
Assorted interferential aspects refer to misunderstanding, misplay, misinterpretation in a more dangerous way due to the life-threatening task that surgical wards encompass. (Bukoh & Siah, 2020) Furthermore, they demonstrated that interprofessional communication failures can lead to severe adverse incidents such as medication mistakes, late diagnosis, and problems in handling patient cases. In care coordination where there are several surgical teams taking care of the patient communication must be clear and consistent in order to receive efficient and effective standard of care. The large number of activities involved in patient care raises the risk of patient hand over or poor hand over due to busy schedules. Research evidence used in this paper also shows that communication
eakdown contributes to a large part of adverse events that are considered preventable, and addressing these gaps can reduce adverse patient outcomes, cost, and health system consumption.
1.3 Objectives
Improvement of Handover Communication: The first aim is to introduce a structured communication tool during handover, for example SBAR. SBAR tool has also been established to minimize communication
eakdown by enhancing consistency of exchange of vital information (Peñataro‐Pintado et al., 2021). This intervention will seek to make sure that key aspects of the patient’s case are conveyed also in simple and concise language.
Training Program on Effective Communication: The second goal is to establish compulsory educational meetings for all employees, working in the surgical ward, on the topic of effective communication. This training will entail listening skills, information sharing, and team work interfering with communication that leads to misunderstanding, and skills to be acquired include; Both objectives are specific, measurable and achievable thus enhancing a reduction in communication e
ors in the ward.
1.4 Evaluation of Change
Assessing the outcomes of the QI project will help to complete the comprehension of the interference with patient safety and the communication system. Two specific evaluation methods will be used:
· Audit of Communication Practices: An audit of handovers and communication practices will be performed on a monthly basis using an audit tool developed from the SBAR format. The audit will identify whether all aspects of the tool are being implemented with data gathered on communication incidents in order to assess the success of the intervention (Staines et al., 2020).
· Feedback from Staff: Post-training survey will be used to assess the staff’s self-perceived satisfaction on the communication training, and perceived usefulness in their practice. Survey responses from these surveys will thus furnish a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the training and reveal another channel for subsequent learning improvement.
2. Stakeholder Communication
2.1 List Anumber of Individuals And Organizations Largest Stakeholders
The major stakeholders involved in the quality improvement initiative aimed at reducing communication e
ors in the surgical ward include:
· Nurses: Due to their working responsibility that involves interventions in the patient care processes, nurses have the main responsibility for conducting handovers and communication among shift and facility teams.
· Surgeons and Physicians: These professionals require clear...

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