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A. Project Status Report, Video Presentation and Communication packThis assignment asks you, as an individual member of the group, to report on the progress of the project from the perspective of...

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Project Status Report, Video Presentation and Communication pack

This assignment asks you, as an individual member of the group, to report on the progress of the project from the perspective of your role and provide a description of what the project aims to achieve.
The audience for your report and video presentation is the client and the Project Supervisor. Its purpose is to provide a concise and honest summary of the project’s progression, status, and likely conclusion.


This assignment has two parts:

  1. A written report (maximum is 1000 words)

  2. A video-recorded presentation (aim for 5 minutes), and


Unit Learning Outcomes:

  1. Undertake a workplace XXXXXXXXXXproject using an established project management framework.

  2. Perform effective XXXXXXXXXXcommunication to all project team stakeholders.


Course Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate effective communication and teamwork skills

Demonstrate effective written, oral and non-verbal communication skills.


You are urged to adhere to the marking criteria at the bottom of this page.


1. Written Report

No more than 1000 words. Words over this limit will not form part of the assignment.
Not included in word count: Cover Page, ToC/ToD/ToT, text in diagrams, References and appendices.

The format can be anything you feel is appropriate, but given the audience, you should seek to be professional and factual.

Your project update should contain three core elements:

  • Aprogress reportsummarising whether the project is behind schedule, on schedule, or ahead of schedule with respect to tasks and milestones. You may also include a summary of issues that have arisen and how these have been resolved together with a risk profile and quality summary linked to the project’s progress so far.

  • Astatus reportsummarising where the project, tasks and milestones are in relation to the status date. These should emphasise where you should be at the status date, and if you are not there, you should explain why not.

  • A forecast completion report focusing on the completion of the project against the plan and your vision of the project and personal success. The completion report should summarise the expected completion date and any revisions that may be necessary to achieve this. The completion report may also include forecasting produced by your scheduling software.

You should ideally aim to include the following aspects:

  • A brief update of how the project originated (why, the benefits, who benefits, consequences of not running this project, etc.)

  • Convey accurate, complete, and timely information to the stakeholders

  • Reflect the true facts of the project’s progression *

  • Track all the scope changes and revisions

  • A summary of the project's performance (i.e. Cost Baseline and EVM calculations for that point in time, along with any other relevant information (e.g. Burn Down chart, Goal Tree, etc.)

  • Facilitate problem-solving and decision-making

  • Confirm that the project is on track in all respects

2. Video presentation

This is a recorded audio-visual video presentation (no more than 5 minutes in length, maximum 7 minutes) of the written report. You are required to perform, in person (in front of the camera), a professional update to your key stakeholders.

  • Particular care should be taken with regard to grammar, referencing, and presentation style.

  • You are urged to feature some form of presentation superimposed with your image (e.g. Panopto video and PowerPoint presentation)

  • Please include the MS Project project file if applicable, walk the viewer through the key phases of the project, and remember to include the cost baseline and EVM for that point in time.

Hints and Tips

    • You should not read from a script, and you should do your best to engage with your virtual audience.

    • You should appear on-screen throughout the presentation and should consider dressing in appropriate business attire.

    • Think about your environment when in front of the camera (e.g. background, lighting, acoustics, looking at the camera front-on (not looking down at the camera), etc.

    • The best presentations are generally produced by students who know the material, have practised their presentations, and who present the material in a quiet and professional-looking environment.

    • APA XXXXXXXXXXthreferencing standards will apply to all parts of this assessment.



MAN6310 requires studentsALWAYS to include the page number in both the in-text and end-of-text referencing.


General advice

  • You do not need to repeat in detail information you already raised in your group's Project Proposal. So cite it (see APA7 Reference Guide on how to cite an internal document.)

  • This update report (document and video) is an OPTIMISTIC report, so do report anticipated benefits and how you plan a successful delivery of the project (from the perspective of your role.) of your plan to deliver

Project Name:

Online Management System for Tan House of Cuisines

Project Description:

Tan House of Cuisine currently does not have a website which can augment its operation. Although the restaurant seems to be running at average income even without having a dedicated website and digital platform, the time has come for it to have the online platform to gain competitive edge and to become sustainable. Numerous research studies have shown that a business which has not integrated information technology eventually lag behind their competitors and become unsustainable. Currently, due to the absence of an online system and platform, the customers cannot view, order and pay for meals directly with Tan. They must visit the restaurant in person, check items, order and do the payment. Due to this, the restaurant loses a major section of people who would have been actually prospective customers had there been a robust and efficient online platform which can be accessed seamlessly.
Although the restaurant does offer online ordering through a third-party platform (Food-Hunter), these services are neither effective nor beneficial due to associated fees and limited scope and operational control.

To resolve this issue, our group proposes to develop a custom website for Tan House of Cuisines. This website will significantly improve the restaurant’s management system by providing a seamless online experience for both customers and operators. It will provide a one-stop solution with the capability to view, order and pay on online platforms while also reaching to the wider section of customers. This would enhance its competitive level, increase business income and enable it to become more sustainable. As part of this project, the team will also do the gap analysis of the restaurant and identify what are its weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats. The team will also study the best practices of successful restaurants in the food and service industry and try to incorporate them into the Tan House of Cuisine in consultation with the owner, wherever it is necessary.

Note : stakeholders in this project are:

Clint Name: Ngawang Thinley, Business Name: Tan house of cusine.

Project Supervisor: Mr Lee.

3. Project Team are:

1.Yin – Leader of the project and will be responsible for project coordination, project management and scheduling. Looking after the financial and business elements of the project.

2.Tan – Planning the project, ensuring Quality assurance, and testing the system.

3.Tem – Requirement gathering and analysis, Overall project support, assisting with preparation of necessary project documentation.

4.Dor – Requirement Gathering and technical feasibility study, Database development as per requirements, assisting team with overall group tasks.

5.Rati – Project Coordination, project plan, project management and scheduling.

My role is project is as follows:

1. Project Coordination

  • Task Tracking:
    Use project management tools like Microsoft Project to keep track of all tasks, assignments, and deadlines.

  • Communication:
    Maintain clear and consistent communication through WhatsApp, email, and regular online meetings. Document key discussions and decisions for reference.

  • Progress Monitoring:
    Regularly check in with team members to assess progress, identify any obstacles, and provide support where needed.

2. Project Plan

  • Developing the Plan:
    Collaborate with the team to outline all necessary tasks, establish deadlines, and define milestones. Use templates or software for detailed planning.

  • Feasibility Check:
    Ensure that the timeline is realistic by considering the complexity of tasks, team availability, and potential risks.

  • Plan Updates:
    Be flexible and ready to adjust the plan based on feedback, changes in scope, or unforeseen challenges. Communicate any updates to the team promptly.

3. Scheduling

  • Timeline Creation:
    Create a detailed timeline using Gantt charts or similar tools that visualize task dependencies and deadlines.

  • Meeting Schedules:
    Set up regular check-in meetings, ensuring they are at convenient times for all team members. Use calendar tools to schedule and remind team members of these meetings.

  • Adjustments:
    Monitor the progress against the schedule and make necessary adjustments. Communicate these changes to ensure everyone is aware and can adapt accordingly.

Tools and Strategies

  • Project Management Software:
    Use tools like Microsoft Project to organize tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress.

  • Communication Platforms:
    Utilize WhatsApp for quick communication and email for more formal updates. Schedule regular video calls using platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

  • Documentation:
    Keep detailed records of all meetings, decisions, and progress updates. This can be done using shared documents in Google Drive or other cloud storage solutions.

  • Regular Check-ins:
    Schedule regular meetings to review progress, discuss challenges, and plan next steps. Ensure these meetings are structured and productive.

  • Feedback Mechanism:
    Create a system for team members to provide feedback and raise concerns. This helps in identifying issues early and finding solutions collaboratively.

By implementing these actions and utilizing appropriate tools, Raju can effectively manage his responsibilities and contribute to the successful completion of the project.

Answered 1 days After Aug 10, 2024


Shubham answered on Aug 11 2024
9 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    2
Project Overview    2
Progress Report    3
Status Report    3
Forecast Completion Report    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
The Online Management System for Tan House of Cuisines project is required for address the need of restaurant for online platform. This enables customers to view, order and pay for the meal online. This system is crucial for enhancing operations and position of the restaurant in the digital marketplace. The purpose of the status report is to provide summary of the progress of project from the perspective of role as Project Coordinator. It includes updates on task tracking, following schedule and challenges. It will ensure that all stakeholders are informed of the cu
ent status.
Project Overview
The Online Management System for Tan House of Cuisines aims to develop custom website to enhance operations of restaurant by providing better online experience. The platform will help customers to view, order and pay online. It will help in addressing the issue of lack of digital presence and providing the competitive advantages. The project will enable Tan House of Cuisines to reach larger number of customer base. This will help to improve operational efficiency and increase revenue (Ghelani & Hua, 2022, pp. 10). This can be done by relying on third-party platforms. The key stakeholders in the project are the client and owner of Tan House of Cuisines. The involvement ensures that the project aligns with goals of the business and this follows best practices in project management. The role as Project Coordinator ensures overseeing task tracking, communication and scheduling. This includes use of Microsoft Project to monitor progress. This includes maintaining clear communication with the team with the use of Teams application and email. It will ensure that project plan is feasible and the plan is updated regularly. The focus is on keeping the project on schedule and resolve issues that will help in ensuring successful delivery.
Progress Report
The project is cu
ently on schedule with tasks and milestones are being met as per the plan. Regular updates and effective communication with team members have ensured that all key deliverables are progressing....

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