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Marketing assignment

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ADMN 3170H
 Retail Market Strategy: Assignment #1: Success Stories
.Our early discussions this term in several Chapters --we have talked about RETAIL STRATEGY. The purpose of this exercise is to have you examine one of two of Canada’s fastest growing domestic retailers and answer the following questions about them with respect to their intentional strategic choices. In short—‘How are they winning?’
Select one(1) of the two(2) retailers below and answer the list of questions. Each question is weighted at two(2) marks and the final question is worth one(1). Total 25 marks/25% of your grade. Each response should be between 50 and 200 words.
There are numerous sources to help you with accessing information. Aritzia is a public company with extensive disclosures and business information available to you in filings and on their website. (Ticker TSE:ATZ) In addition, Aritzia was recently featured as the cover story in Fo
es magazine. They have a retail location in Oshawa Centre.
Giant Tiger was recently featured in Canadian Business Journal and has a local location for those of you who have an appreciate hands-on, method research.

**Upload your responses on Blackboard.**
Company #1: Giant Tiger, Ottawa, ON (Private)
Company #2: Aritzia, Vancouver, B.C. (Public)
a. Target Audience – Who is their target audience? (describe demographically and psychographically, if possible) How does this compare to the competition?
. What image do they want to convey? How do they attempt to position themselves in the minds of consumers in the market? What is their cu
ent image in the industry and in the minds of consumers? Is this image working for them? How does this compare with the image of competitors?
c. How do they make use of technology (web and ecommerce, supply chain management, information systems, etc.)? Multi-channel or omni-channel? How has technology affected the way they conduct business?
d. What is their national presence and strategy? What Provinces have they entered? How successful have they been expanding into these regions or other countries? What obstacles have they faced?
e. What is their ownership strategy? Why have they chosen this strategy?
f. What is their location strategy? Lease or own? Site selection criteria? (if this info is available)
g. Describe their merchandising strategy – how they buy, what they buy,
eadth vs depth of merchandise, etc. How is it reflected in their financial strategy?
h. What is their pricing strategy and how does this affect their profitability?
i. Describe their approach to advertising and sales promotions. Has it been effective for them?
j. What challenges does your retailer face in terms of the retail strategy variables just described? Do some appear to be working better than others?
k. What are the  Key Performance Indicators(KPI’s) (if available)of the retailer you selected and have they been hitting or exceeding these measures consistently? What does this analysis say about how your retailer operates and its profitability?
l. Summarize your retailer’s primary strength and support your assessment. What are their biggest challenge now? How are they preparing to meet those challenge? What do they view as their opportunities for the future?
m. What do you think the future holds for this retailer? If you were hired as the CEO, list one (1)specific growth strategy would you pursue in the future for this retailer?
Answered 1 days After Jun 25, 2024


Dipali answered on Jun 27 2024
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